General Election - Housing Manifestos

No mate.

FTA guaranteed rugby would be bad for Irish Rugby’s finances.

I’m massively in favour of DART Underground and the Metro. The Greens have a track record of NIMBY positions. Eamonn Ryan supported Gonzaga mothers over commuters from Cherrywood and Dublin is paying a price for that now.

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I have the solution to the homeless crisis, the housing crisis and I’ll throw in the crime crisis for free.

It’s fascinating that the leftists bang on about what’s good for society but totally ignore the issue of violent crime that effects far more people than homelessness, and is a far bigger risk to the economy than housing. Ireland is becoming a very unsafe country, you would think young lads been slashed to death in their own dwelling by violent scumbags would wake people up.

Build a large prison, round up all the violent scumbags who have multiple convictions and lock them up. If they live in social housing then give their house to those in need. Problem at least partially solved.

You’re a stupid bastard.


Are the party of law and order not to blame for this?

If social housing is built will the left have the stomach to enforce evictions for Anti social behaviour. If not we will end up with more ghettoes.


What party are actually talking about taking the crime problem seriously? As in reforming sentencing laws and getting violent scumbags off the streets, in particular those with multiple convictions.

Not as stupid as people who stick their head in the sand and think problems will go away by wishing them away.

No it isn’t.

This is the absolute key to a successful mixed housing policy. At the moment you would be insane to buy a house beside a council house.


Finland do this. If we want to adopt Nordic models we need to be prepared to adopt them completely.

Well give me other Dublin City sites away from such issues given the preservation demanded here. The site previously had flats. It is over the road from the LUAS. I go by it regularly, it isn’t that complex.

It’s not the 70s mate
We don’t use the term social housing anymore

You introduced facts and purposely misrepresented them. That’s your level. We’ll leave it at that.

You’re having a mare kid.

I think it’s odd you are blaming the left who have never been in power as opposed to the centre right for Ireland’s crime problem

I’m sure it isn’t where you live and where @anon61878697, @Rocko, @Bandage and all the other champagne socialists live, but the reality for most people living in less prestigious areas is they are living in fear of violent scumbags. To deny that is a great example of how out of touch the left are.


What would you know about any of that? Facts and statistics don’t support your argument. Reported sexual crimes have gone up which is a good thing, that’s all.

Wow! That’s near rebrand territory (or at least abandon the latest repetitive schtick for a new one)