George W Bush

National Geographic did a documentary on a similar theme. Stirring stuff.

He showed incredible leadership there, he didn’t frighten the poor little children by jumping up and going ape, he calmly absorbed the enormity of the situation and remained professional under savage pressure


he stayed in a classroom like a mute when his country was under attack

even more bizarre considering he sanctioned the attack on NY himself


you obviously have no understanding of situational crisis management

He’d remind you of a rabbit caught in headlights. Frozen with fear.

He was anything but that day. He was cool, calm and collected.

if that was in the county council, there’d be lads running around shouting and going ape " we are all going to die!" :joy:

The standard of council chamber is Ireland is appalling, nothing like you get on the mainland, the fat roasters wouldn’t have anywhere to run

They’d be so weighed down with gold and back handers they wouldn’t be able to run.

& please tell us of yours

Everything is done in an orderly and well thought out sedentary manner in council offices. So they tell me anyway.

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Cheney was the real President .

George W Bush was the greatest US president of the past 25 years.



The book was upside down in the classroom

you are seriously challenged if you believe that bud, the bushes were mad fuckers

Rumsfeld was the real president

Tami Flu how are you.

No Twas Cheney. He pulled the strings . Rumsfeld was a link to Regan and was gung Ho but Cheney was the Machevelli . Rumsfeld was effectively sacked for gross incompetence in 2006.

they were perverts

He wanted to see how the book ended ffs,simple.And people said he’s wasn’t curious.