Getting a cleaner in for a once off job

[quote=“myboyblue, post: 742253, member: 180”]

That’s not the Dan O Neill clown is it? Is that horse doctor still shystering? Tis your own body thrawneen, but I’d stay a million miles away from quacks like that cunt.[/quote]

I don’t think that’s his name. A friend of my father went to him and said he worked wonders, whoever he is.

To be fair to the chiropractor, he x-rayed me and said my spine was mis-aligned. At that point I couldn’t run 200m down the road. After one session I went out the next day and did a couple of miles pain free. He said if he could he’d see me three times a week for 4 weeks to set it into place. I couldn’t afford that, (also he’s in Gorey and I’m in Dublin), and went weekly for 6 weeks. He said that’d take 12 weeks. I was back running but I missed a few sessions and stopped going. and over the last few months my back has returned to being as painful as it was a year ago.

It’s a bit of a quandry.

Can you give me this guys details too Fagan please.

I have an ingrown toe nail that keeps reoccurring despite my very careful clipping technique.

My next door neighbor is a 6th son of a 7th son… how close he came, how close.

[quote=“Thrawneen, post: 742296, member: 129”]I don’t think that’s his name. A friend of my father went to him and said he worked wonders, whoever he is.

To be fair to the chiropractor, he x-rayed me and said my spine was mis-aligned. At that point I couldn’t run 200m down the road. After one session I went out the next day and did a couple of miles pain free. He said if he could he’d see me three times a week for 4 weeks to set it into place. I couldn’t afford that, (also he’s in Gorey and I’m in Dublin), and went weekly for 6 weeks. He said that’d take 12 weeks. I was back running but I missed a few sessions and stopped going. and over the last few months my back has returned to being as painful as it was a year ago.

It’s a bit of a quandry.[/quote]
If you go back to the chiropractor 3 times a week for the next 4 weeks then that would be a nice little earner for the chiropractor thraw-stop thinking about yourself and get with the programme.

There is any amount of eastern European dollybirds around town who do q good job for around the €10 per hour so insist she isent in and gone too quick, give her a list of chores and tell get she has 2 hours.


Status report?

[quote=“carryharry, post: 743048, member: 1517”]Bump.

Status report?[/quote]

Asked one of the cleaners from work. As an added bonus she’s bringing her daughter with her to help. I said €25 but I’ll probably give them 30 as they’ve to get the bus from town (provided they have the place spick and span. I won’t settle for one or the other.)Arriving at 9:30am, hopefully. I’m going to recline on the bed in my dressing-gown sipping on a glass of champagne like a lord, watching them scrub on their hands on knees and get my money’s worth.

Any news? Was the €5 bonus payment made?

They got delayed so they’re working away now. I did a bit of work myself last night in between moving my own gear so I could tell they were thinking “piece of piss, we’ll zip through this job, what a mug”. I don’t give a shit, my back was in fucking agony last night just carrying my gear up the stairs so squatting down in the shower scrubbing mildew and caked up dirt and whatnot is something I’ll gladly hand over a few bob to someone else to do.

Are they hot? How did they react to cleaning while you watched in your dressing gown sipping champers?

Pity there are not more people like you Thraw, people willing to share their wealth. The €30 you give them will benefit the wider Dublin economy, well done pal. :clap:

[quote=“carryharry, post: 743164, member: 1517”]Are they hot? How did they react to cleaning while you watched in your dressing gown sipping champers?

Pity there are not more people like you Thraw, people willing to share their wealth. The €30 you give them will benefit the wider Dublin economy, well done pal. :clap:[/quote]

That €30 will be buying two donkeys, a bottle of vodka, a corrugated iron roof for a shed, some turnips and a nice cigar in Bucharest about 10 minutes after these broads can find a Western Union.

These kind of actions are what makes the world go round. :clap:

Is it too late now thraeneen to suggest to waiver the fee in return for you cleaning both mother and daughters anal sphincter.
To be honest that’s how I always saw this story ending.

[quote=“HBV*, post: 743168, member: 234”]Is it too late now thraeneen to suggest to waiver the fee in return for you cleaning both mother and daughters anal sphincter.
To be honest that’s how I always saw this story ending.[/quote]

Well, yeah, but seeing as the mother is a cleaner in my work, the same workplace of my special ladyfriend, it’d be a bad idea. If it wasn’t for that detail, sure that would’ve been a given.

They’re still going. I popped my head in for a look…you could perform surgery in there so you could, it’s fucking spotless.

:clap: Romanians

Just finished. Two girls doing almost 3 hours for €30 and they’d have done it for €20. If anyone needs a cleaner, I’d be happy to pass on their details.

Unlike the unhelpful bolloxes on this thread.

Try and keep it a bit cleaner next time.

don’t get Martin O’Neill in - he will raise the wage bill and leave with some half baked excuse before the job is done