Getting a cleaner in for a once off job

Lads, I recall some of you saying you employ cleaners once a week or whatever. I’m renting out my room and need someone to come and do a job on the en-suite. And sure maybe the bedroom while they’re at it, though there’s not much to do there. I’m lazy and have a fucking awful back these days. It’s small enough but the shower and tiles are fair dirty, (and a bollox to clean) even after me scrubbing them up enough to be able to show the place. (Thankfully no one turned on the light and just poked their head in.) It’d probably be a couple of hours work.

Anyone know anyone they’d recommend or know how much I should pay them? There’s cleaners that come into my work and I was considering asking one of them if they need a bit of extra cash. I’m in Donnybrook.

that could go badly for you thraw, given your rep

When you’re as depraved as I am, Art, pretty much every situation I find myself in could go badly, so what can I do. I’d totally bang the prospective new tenant too. She’s from Mullingar. And we all know what Mullingar girls are like…

Thinly veiled, “I’m moving in with my girlfriend and I’m very excited” thread from Thrawneen here.

Are you moving in with the missus Thraw?

Nah lads, the Balkan War veteran is up the duff and she’s off to live with her manfriend. I get to take her room which is a lot nicer than mine so it’s all good.

Pop into a tool-hire place and grab an electric power-washer. The place can’t be that bad that you would need the higher powered petrol version.
Yoke it up to the sink and off you go. You might need an extension lead/extra hose depending on the distance. No problems.

Boxty thinks you live in a slatted shed Thrawneen.

Moving in with her taxi driver?

Aye. Each to their own and all that.

Go with the cleaner from work and offer her a spin as payment.

Fuck it but you are one lazy cunt Thraw. One minute you’ll be complaining about how little you earn and the next you’ll spend 50 notes on getting some poor misfortune in to clean the shower, because “the backs not great”. I’d say you are a malingerer of the highest order.

The cleaner in work said she’d do it for €20 and I’m making €60 p/m on the new rental arrangement so I don’t mind to spend that sum. The chiropractor costs €42.

So fuck off.

Thrawneens always been one to support Eastern European women wanting to get ahead in life.

[quote=“Thrawneen, post: 742148, member: 129”]The cleaner in work said she’d do it for €20 and I’m making €60 p/m on the new rental arrangement so I don’t mind to spend that sum. The chiropractor costs €42.

So fuck off.[/quote]

Chiropractor…quack quack…

Aye, but he partially sorted me out last year until I couldn’t afford to go anymore. Looking into going to some sort of bone-setter in Carlow at the minute. Just a once-off procedure he does apparently.

That’s not the Dan O Neill clown is it? Is that horse doctor still shystering? Tis your own body thrawneen, but I’d stay a million miles away from quacks like that cunt.

theres no such thing as a quick fix re your back.

key words above are underlined…

“bone-setter” what the fuck, youll be off to the saw-bones next

Hear caoimhaoin sort this out will you please.

[quote=“myboyblue, post: 742253, member: 180”]

That’s not the Dan O Neill clown is it? Is that horse doctor still shystering? Tis your own body thrawneen, but I’d stay a million miles away from quacks like that cunt.[/quote]
mbb knows the score-stay away from those cunts thraw-I’ll give you the number of an excellent osteopath in Dublin if you want depending on your injury. One off procedure for your back-unless it’s surgery he is having a laugh.

I know a seventh son of a seventhson who will put you right Thraw.