Getting Back in the Game/you'd want your head examined to referee a ladies football match

There is zero respect for referees in GAA broadly. My old man who is a mild mannered fella has never left a match not giving out about the ref win lose or draw … it’s incessant at matches … no ref no game …

I’d pay 50 quid not to do it, if I was asked.

I tried that once with a lad. I’d give €50 not to do it he says. Fine says I, give me the 50 and I’ll do it

Tight Cunt wouldn’t.

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Ya but.

Refereeing in Wexford is a massive problem. The 2 senior hurling semi finals were a case in point.

The first game was more like a cage match from the WWF where literally anything went.

The second was refereed by a lad who was totally out of his depth with frees blown for looking at lads.

Yet ref 1 rocks up in the football and gives frees for minimal contact. It’s infuriating.

There is no review of performance or promotion based on ability.

Abuse of referees is wrong. But there is a massive gap between the refereeing fraternity and the coaches/players. And that’s where the problem lies. Wexford started off on the right foot this year with a meeting between mentors and refs. But nothing talked about was followed through on. Zero consistency.

There’s a few easily identifiable refs on the circuit who are all about themselves. And they’re continually getting games with no consequences or feedback.

I’ll be a referee myself someday maybe.

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And there’s no comparison with rugby. A stop start game where lads are lying down for most of it. Of course it’s easier to referee and respect the referee.

That’s all well and good, but how can or will there be promotion and demotion of referees when there aren’t any?

There actually are here. But the good younger lads are seriously pissed off with the carry on.

There are maybe now, but if the abuse goes unchanged, it’ll genuinely only be oddballs that do it, or lads who really need the money.

Sin é


Playing a 5 a side tournament v lads half your age. A fools folly.


Ireland 4-1 up, two goals and two assists from Katie McCabe. She’s some bit of stuff

She has a very cheeky face and I’d say she’s trouble but she’s a lovely footballer. The opposition though were like something pulled out of the Phoenix Park


Think was 5-1 for a finish. McCabe with a hat trick

One of the lads will be in here shortly criticising her for not letting someone else play tonight and only using the game to fluff up her goals scored

She figured out that the Albanian goalkeeper was a midget and dropped every corner right on top of the poor divil.


The keeper couldn’t even touch the crossbar

Was at it.

She looked like the smallest player they had

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Got back in the game yesterday. A 5 a side tournament with the lads we do the gym/boxing with. 7 games of 22mins. Average age of our team : 45. All the rest were young lads. A certain amount of wily oul lad/psychotic bullying combined with some lovely football got us to the semis where we bowed out to the eventual winners. Slightly dubious decisions from some seemingly RNLI referees may have disadvantaged us… Absolutely savage day. And a few pints after, then home by 10.30 and no fight with mrs J.*

*I hope. Ive just woken up and taking the dog for a walk. I have no memory of doing anything stupid but will wait for confirmation.