Getting On The Property Ladder vs The Dreaded Commute

It looks like €100 of Farrow & Ball testers ready for the recycling plant.

I’ll have you know those testers were used in three houses before getting the bin.

This was used to narrow it down to three, they were then applied to areas with varying light such as reveals and under the kitchen cabinet etc.

A shame the State don’t buy this.

Cooper just ducked the issue there with the minister but this Cassidys crowd seem to have fucked a lot of people in the general Northwest area. I had a lad from the Glenties telling me earlier, there’ll be war yet

I saw something about that there recently. Houses literally falling apart with their shitty blocks. And nothing being done about it with insurance claims. Seems a really fucked up situation, but Cassidys still trading away. You’d wonder how anyone would buy anything off them if they are that much of a cowboy set up.

In saying that, I know of a concrete company in the south east region who have been sending out dodgy shit lately too. Meant to be importing proper aggregate for their blocks and concrete, but over time a shitty brown stone colour comes through and its clear they are using shite from their own quarry rather than proper aggregate. wouldnt be long getting a bad name for that kind of craic.

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The Donegals are going nuts over it and rightfully so. There’s an active boycott now of Cassidy. Couple of great vids but dunno how to share from FB

Happened a friends house, they offered free replacement blocks.

ha. free replacement blocks. fucking cunts. the whole house having to be knocked down and rebuilt, but sure here is €5k of blocks for you.


5k at a stretch id say. He was one of the lucky ones it was weather tight but not finished.

Whats the story here, their homes are literally crumbling apart. Was that an hosenst mistake or would this have been known at the time?

I can’t see how it isn’t serious negligence. If the pyrite issue hadn’t happened, there would be some comeback, but all blocks have to be routinely tested to ensure certification from impurities and defective minerals contained. Anything over 1% is considered defective, these blocks have near 20% from what I’ve read. All manufacturers of blocks and suppliers of stone have to provide certification that their product is “clean”. The only way they wouldn’t have known would be because they didn’t test like they are required to. So at best, they are negligent, at worst, complete scumbags who destroyed family homes.


Ah thats fucking rotten. Some amont of scumbags in this country, at every level.
Protest in Dublin tomorrow, hope something can be sorted

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The Home Bond scheme was some fucking cod


Without sounding cruel, how is it the governments problem?
It is not a commercial dispute?

The government already stepped in for a similar problem that occurred in Leinster (I hear on the news today). They have stepped in in cases of apartment buildings that were firetraps as well in some instances.

I suppose you can take the approach that it’s a commercial dispute it’s not our problem and say fuck all those families they can go bankrupt and homeless, or the government can step in. @Gman might be able to comment here but also the government is supposed to be regulating the environment to ensure that things like this don’t happen, that it did and to such a degree says to me the government has dropped the ball somewhere along the way. That’s how I’d see responsibility attaching to the government anyway.


Would an engineer not have signed off on the completed works back then? And would have had to have insurance if things went to shit like they have now?

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@TreatyStones has morphed into the unnaceptable face of capitalism


A failure of regulation.

I’ve no problem with the tax payer stepping in to help these people. But those cunts that caused it need to be jailed also and every penny shaken from their pockets