GGA Player Fails Drug test

The % of asmathic athletes is way out of whack with the general population

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Did he expect yer man to stop the show and go off to research his argument? :rollseyes:

I think the GAA have made this into a far bigger deal by burying it for so long. If it was an innocent mistake, and accepted as so, then why all the mystery. It was gonna come out at some stage. Fully understand the argument about these lads being amateur etc…but if that is a valid argument just don’t bother testing them at all.

deary me. The sports council have signed up to international agreements in regards to drug testing
funding from the sports council is based on the GGA following their rules

put simply

follow the rules or no funding

A bit of asthma might be just the boost I need

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If that happened, he’s broken an oath and could lose his practioner licence

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it didnt happen

Do you not think it happens all the time?
Anyway i won’t be reporting it.

How do they aid someone without asthma?

Has it been confirmed that this lad used an inhaler?

Said on the news it was a “gel”
I assume one of those energy boosting ones the cyclists use

You’d do well to mistakenly pick up one of those containing a banned substance.

Exercise induced asthma
Nearly half of Team GB swimmers in last Olympics
Lots of rugby players

@caoimhaoin - do you think it helps performance to have a blast of inhaler

Of course it does. It opens up your airways, allowing you to take in more air and therefore more oxygen per breath

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I had a touch of this last year… I was wispy after exercise, it’s very common. I was playing a lot of ball - totally gone now as I’m only hitting weights really.

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Yes. For me its endurance. Benefits may vary person to person.
Less pressure on lungs 》Allows better posture and mechanics, which 》allows for less overall effort 》 which also aids recovery.

If it aids recovery, which i suspect it does, then its an advantage.

There is a funny feeling to it in Ireland. We’re a damp country and there is no getting away from that. Doc thinks its justifyable anyway.

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They’re over prescribed for definite and people can get dependant on them,

But I don’t see any competitve advantage in an asthmatic taking a couple of puffs of a ventolin inhaler before a game.

That’s the point, they’re not asthmatic in the first place

I don’t think there’s a competive advantage though mate…I mean if that’s the case Vicks vapour rub on your chest which essentially has the same properties as ventolin is a drug.

No it doesn’t. Which is why if someone has an asthma attack the hospital staff get them an inhaler ASAP rather than some some fucking vapor rub. Ffs sake.