GGA Player Fails Drug test

Seems that a Kerry player has failed an Irish Sports Council drugs test. It was due to the presence of Salbutamol, which is a drug used in the treatment of asthma.

Not sure what happens from here.

I’ll tell you what happens. Sweet Fuckall! How in de name of Jaysus could a fella whose asthmatic, taking his inhaler constitute any type of mal-practise. Its a load of old balls that this is even a story and no doubt that just because this is the first time that this has happened some stigma will remain attached to the totally innocent player once his name comes to light.
You’d wonder how these drug testers go about their business. Are they on commission?

All players have to register any pre-existing conditions prior to testing, when you fail a test for an inhaler type substance then you normally have an extremely high level showing up.

Also, rugby has 1 of the highest ratios of asthmatics of all sports

GGA is for backward bogmen.

Bring it on fookos.

[quote=“Flano”]GGA is for backward bogmen.

Bring it on fookos.[/quote]

yeah you like boys with their backs to you alright…you sick pervert…

You’d be right with the pervert thing alright.

Whoooa Whoooa Whoooa

[quote=“Flano”]You’d be right with the pervert thing alright.

Whoooa Whoooa Whoooa[/quote]


this is a sickening & horrifying development

Indeed it is. The rise in the number of cases of asthma in Ireland in the past 10 years is truely alarming.

the whole country is going too soft…asthma is only for pussys

i heard he was injecting crack cocaine into his cock

How would that be performance enhancing? if anything wouldn’t it be the opposite

it highers his testosorine(SiC?)

[quote=“The Runt”]Seems that a Kerry player has failed an Irish Sports Council drugs test. It was due to the presence of Salbutamol, which is a drug used in the treatment of asthma.

Not sure what happens from here.[/quote]

any ideas who it is? hope its aidan o mahoney so the fucker will get a ban, hate that prick.

I heard through the grapevine Paddy O’Whackdaball is the one.

Stick to the telly tubbies on itv4 Jim Jim

You have to be the most retarded backward fook I have ever come across on here. Darts is a fantastic sport and those guys have more talent than any muck savage that engages in any GGA charade.

very true - more skill,more money, higher profile etc etc

Ohh the dizzying heights of ITV4… A bunch of over weight Tattoo wearing scum bags throwing objects at a board! Wow… Shows how truely simple city folk are. I suppose anything that the english proclaim to be good the Dubs, like lemmings, will follow suit!

says the defender of the poppy & the british army
