Golf Betting

Some guns on Lee these days

Ya he’s in the best shape I’ve seen him in, in a long time.

I prefer looking at his caddie (wife) but each to their own :wink:

Just put money on Westwood to be leader after the 2nd round at 11/1


@Lazarus, never released Westwood was a big forest fan…

Is this good news or bad news? My golf kudos isn’t what it might be

Ah it’s neither really chief

Lovely. In Forest terms that a win!

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Why does Westwood have the wife on the bag?

She’s actually on the pill.

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Gives her something to do I suppose

They are not married as far as I can remember

Do any of the golfers think that they could (a) land the ball on the 17th from the tee and (b) get it to hold so it wouldn’t roll into the water.

I reckon I could pull it off 6 out of 10 times. Played that hole on a simulator a few times. Not quite the real thing.

Seriously? What do you play off?


Putting would be that of an 18 handicapper but irons would be that of a 7 or 8 or so I’ve been told.

If I could get my chipping sorted I could go pro.

I’d go close if I kept it straight :joy:I strike my wedges very high. They don’t move more than a foot from where they land normally

I’d say you’d be doing well to get in on the green 1 out of 10 times.