Golf Thread


Played in shorts earlier. Had to put on wet jacket for about 20 mins. Haunted

How was Bandon

It was in a fantastic condition. Lovely clubhouse. Greens were slow but that’s expected. Really enjoyed the course. The wind was a pure cunt. I finished 2nd on 29. 33 won it

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Good man. Tough conditions if 33 won it? Winter rules?

No, play as it lies. Lot of mud balls alright. The wind was ridiculous. 3 clubs at least

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I wouldn’t be able for that wind now.

Course must be in some shape if no placing

I was playing with a 20 handicapper and a 22 handicapper. Neither of them broke 18 points. You had to have a few different shots with the wind

I hit a cut down 6 on the first uphill into the wind from 124 out and just about made the front of the green. You can kind of enjoy that challenge but it started bucketing down not long afterwards. Long day.

Turns par 4s into 5s…i would hit 8 out of 10 fairways but I wouldn’t have much distance to spare

I hit a full 5 from 140 today and kept it down with a draw and I was pin high off the left.

The two boys had about 6 par 4s where they just couldn’t reach today.

There was a par 5 back into it I hit a great drive, an ok 3 wood and a full 6 and I just made the front

Fuck that :cry:

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That’s what I said

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Coming this Thursday…
The Top 50 Holes in Irish Golf - A 48-page magazine and digital package that includes drone footage and audio of each hole by the experts.
Featuring @padraig_h @ShaneLowryGolf @mcginleygolf @IrishGolfDesk and many more.


Played the gold coast in Dungarvan yesterday for 15 euros in an open singles. Incredible value for money. A really nice track


Agreed and spectacular scenery

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Yeah the holes out by the bay are spectacular. The 15th where you tee out over the bay is a lovely hole.

Theres a hole playing up towards a lighthousey looking thing thats lovely. You’ve two stunning par 3s then when you cross the gate. The one by the beach is very unique

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Brilliant spot. Played there once only must put on the list to revisit. 15 quid is a fair bargain

Dooks tomorrow, Waterville Saturday. Missed Tralee today, got caught with a work trip to Dublin.

What’s the craic with Dooks @johnnysachs? Leave the big stick in the mála??