Golf Thread

So somebody playing off 18 or 19 in old handicap Fota is now playing playing off 12?? Surely that only favours a golfer playing off a very low handicap as they have less to lose. Or is there some other conversion factor? Is the handicap system not designed to even the tables between a good and a bad golfer? Yes there are always people gaming it but that’s not going to change. Sure all the dodgers will do is submit their worst cards

I’m not sure how you got there - it starts with an average of 8 of your last 20 cards. And goes from there. Someone off 18 at fota would be playing off 19 or so because of the slope rating

Sorry that meant to read somebody playing off old handicap is not playing handicap of 12 at Fota. Is the slope rating a different value? I haven’t played for 12 months so I am out of the loop is all.

18 (Handicap) x 75 (assuming thats Fota slope rating - mentioned above)/113 = 11.94… or is there another conversion factor?

Working on the assumption that 8 of your last 20 cards gives you a handicap of 18 for the sake of round numbers

The N/Rs are being looked at a lot harder now as well, not sure what penalty is in effect though

I am assuming to say that the HC will change on Fota to 19 from 18 that there is another step that I have missed?

the slope rating is up around 135 for courses, 75 is the index rating

Thats no harm.I’ve played with a few lads and the best wood in the bag is their pencil. Worst I’ve met was in a society where a fella playing off 24 (should have been 17 at most) told me after hitting it out of the sand hazard twice that he was putting for 5 on a par 5. I had him counted at 8 hitting 9.
I don’t play much now so hitting 28 or 29 points is usually a good return

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Ah… makes sense now

Back 9 is easier IMO

same as that. they’ve it 3 shots harder. I don’t see that at all. You’ve got low index holes on the back 9 alright. 10 and 12 are hard.

I think 1, 3, 6, 7 and 8 are all really tough holes

All holes across the river are very forgiving in comparison to road side.

Nr in my club you get one free pass… Any other Nr you can’t enter a competotion for 2 weeks

Enforced fairly rigidly

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The best hawkers are capable of turning pars into bogeys out there.

I’ve also seen lads have 40 points and hand in 31

Why would anyone let that go? I know of plenty that shave points but they’ll actually knock shots down rather than make up a false score

I wouldnt have signed the card.

Some lads wont play with me because of that

I don’t know anyone that would here anyway, your name would be blackened

These lads play match play games for 500 quid a go. Off the record

You’d hardly play for that kind of dough giving shots if you’d a notion the other lad was bogey?

They’re all bogey. Its mental.

I’ve fallen into this circle.

I saw a fist fight on a course because of a ruling in a bunker back before lockdown

4 ball. 2 matches. Two 5 handicappers. An 8 handicapper who’s actually scratch and myself :smiley:

Ditto. Plenty bandits around but never heard of anyone putting in a wrong score…

I’d be keeping track of my score and my points as I go around with the card … But a buddy of mine would be able to tell me at any point in the round what all 3 players were shooting… And points… He wouldn’t be long pulling a fella for entering a wrong score