Golf Thread

Fota green fee is €120 on the website. I never paid anything like that for Kinsale (or anywhere else in Ireland), but it’s still a good offer if you’ve never been

I’d get any fella a significant discount off that 120 below in Fota, never, ever pay that money there. It 100% isn’t worth it

Dunno what I paid for Fota… Fifty with breakfast bap thrown in I think :thinking:

Twas grand for that

golf clubs are crying out for a few pound, there’ll be deals to be got if you ring the golf pros. I’d never book online without talking to someone, I wouldn’t even bother my bollix ringing kinsale :smiley:

Golf pros will have little enough say in a lot of the bigger places, that gig is being outsourced all over. Concessions should get used this year like never before though

There’s 3 pros work the shop below in Fota. Castlemartyr alright are moving away from the Pro, I was talking to a landscaper from Castlemartyr - he said the greenskeepers are fucked - the place is in absolute shit

This was the one to jump on when it was up

@johnnysachs might be on it?

Now that’s a deal

They’re honoring it post-covid too :ok_hand:t2:

Lovely to see lads planning golf outings. Why this kind of stuff was banned is beyond me, outdoor activities should have been compulsory. You could argue national service was warranted, 6 hours a day running up hills.


We were planning to do a week in Scotland in 2019 and 2020. We may get there this year

An aul society I’m with have a Portugal trip that I’ve avoided like the plague, I’ll be going on the next one with all the auld lads

On the to-do list as well. One of the lads was studying in St Andrews for years and we never got over when he could have gotten us concessions :man_facepalming:t2:

Beidh lá eile

I fella I worked in IT with for years was a +1 golfer. Had a meltdown and fucked away the career to study greenskeeping.

Hes working over in Scotland now at one of the big ones. As happy as a man with a tit in each hand

He has me told to give him a shout. He’ll get some land when I arrive on with 2 cars full :rofl:

We were supposed to do Portugal last September, had it booked an All but covid finished that.The elders in the society are in the process of booking some for this year atm.

One ticked off the bucket list


Savage :blue_heart::blue_heart::blue_heart:

Where is that pal?

However it’s happened my ball striking has improved no end with the layoff. Still struggling with consistency though… Had 7 pars yday with 4 scratches :scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream:

What do you play off Dan?

Didn’t have a handicap in 15 years until last year until I rejoined last year so I got 18… My handicap index is 19 now whatever that translates to… Lack of consistency with the irons is killing me

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