Golf Thread

The timesheets from Monday 18th to Sunday 24th May inclusive will open online next Monday, 11th May, at 9:00AM. Members are asked to familiarise themselves with the guidelines and restrictions attached in advance of booking tee times next week.

How do I hyper-boost my internet connection?

Word is that the Old Head is opening up its timesheet soon

To the Oirish? I suppose their business model is rightly fucked anyway.


Covid-19 – Return to Golf Protocols
Phase 1 – 18th May to 8th June
The purpose of this document is to ensure that the Club has taken all reasonable measures to follow the guidelines as laid out by Government and the GUI/ILGU with a view to safeguarding and protecting the welfare of all our members and staff on the club premises and the golf course. We are concentrating at this point only on the measures required for opening Phase 1 which will comes in to effect on 18th May. See Appendix 1.
 On reopening we will initially offer 9-hole casual golf only, on an open-timesheet basis, with the option of moving to non-qualifying competitions when we move to Phase 2 from June 8th.
 The Clubhouse, including locker rooms, will remain closed until further notice.
The following playing arrangements have been agreed by the Management
Committee and will apply until further notice;
 In Phase 1 all golf will be confined to casual golf on a 9-hole basis only with a maximum of 3 players per booked line.
 For traceability and insurance purposes all play must be booked on via the BRS system. This includes later (after 6.30pm) evening practice play. BRS access will only be available to those members who have paid their subscription.
 It is expected that there will be heightened demand for golf at the re-start. For fairness, members will be restricted to 1 booking per day and 3 per week. Using “guest” or “reserved” is not be permitted. A named member must be entered.
 Visitors and Green fees are not permitted.
 Juniors can play only if they are accompanied by an adult and wherever possible with
another member of their own household

 Staff members have been authorised to support members in the following key areas;
All Pro-shop, Clubhouse and Course staff are taking appropriate precautions as per
the Health Guidelines. A separate protocol document has been prepared for them.
o Act as starter for casual and competitive golf
o Act as Social Distancing Marshal in the car park and on the course o Act as Course Ranger and Security (particularly in the evenings)
A roster of Club Members will also be introduced to discharge these roles and players should co-operate with their instructions and advice.

The following procedures will take effect from May 18th and will remain under continuous review based on advice from the public health authorities and the golf governing bodies.

  1. Prior to Arrival
     Members should ensure that they have :
    o Washed their hands before they leave home,
    o Cleaned their golf clubs and equipment,
    o Travelled alone if they are not from the same family / household,
  2. Accessing the Course
     Members should not play if they have Covid-19 symptoms or are required to be in self isolation (
     Members should arrive no earlier than 15 minutes before their tee time,
     When on site social distancing guidelines should be observed at all times
    avoiding the temptation to mingle, on the course or in the car park: o No shaking hands
    o Keep 2 Meters away
    o SmallGroups,nomorethan4people
    o Do not arrange to meet other groups
    o Avoid busy areas
  3. What to do upon arrival
     Be dressed for and ready to play golf with only a need to put on your golf shoes.
     One member must check-in the group with the Pro-Shop.
     Access to the Pro-Shop will be through the main entrance. The number of people
    in the Pro-Shop will be strictly controlled. Please observe notices in this regard,
     Where possible, park away from other cars and leave a parking space between
    your car and others.
  4. Pro-Shop Protocols
     Only one member should enter the Pro-Shop at any time,
     Keep all payments contactless (either member’s accounts or Credit /debit card),
     Trolleys will not be available for hire.
  5. Clubhouse Facilities
     Hand sanitisation station will be located at the main entrance,
     Limited toilet facilities will be available, disposable paper towels only – hand
    driers will be disabled,
     Upstairs access will be NOT be permitted ,
     The main entrance doors will be left opened during opening hours to avoid the
    need to use keypads or handle door handles and for access to the Pro-Shop,
     The Clubhouse will close at 6.30pm each day and will be alarmed.
  6. The First Tee, Putting Green and Playing of Golf
     Tee times will be at 15 minute intervals, starting at 8.00am. This will be strictly enforced to ensure appropriate spacing.

 Players should present at the 1st tee no earlier than 5 minutes before their allocated tee time,
 The putting green, chipping area, and other practice areas will be limited to a maximum of 3 people at any one time ,
 Divot bags will be made available to each member – these bags should be kept by you and used each time you play. Members will be required to fill their own divot bags (See notice at the first tee)
 If your ball is lost or unplayable do not double back on your position.
 Caddies are not allowed,
 Any member who does not obey social distancing guidelines may be asked to
leave the course by the Social Distancing Marshall.
7. What you can expect when on the Course
 Observe and obey all social distancing guidelines at all times,
 Leave at least two metres distance between you and your playing partners when waiting on tees – do not wait together. Leave at least two metres distance when
walking – do not walk side by side,
 Players need to take precautions when opening/closing pedestrian gates at the
6th tee. It is recommended that suitable protection is used when handling the pin pads and handles and members carry and use a small hand sanitizer with them.
 Course furniture is not in use – bins, rakes and ball washers are decommissioned.
 As bunker rakes have been removed, preferred lies apply in bunkers and a player can lift and place within 6 inches no nearer the hole. Sand can be smoothed over
using foot or a club before/after playing your shot.
 Course posts e.g. OB, Hazards are now immovable obstructions and should not
be touched.
 Do NOT approach a tee box, or green, before the previous players vacate.
 Flag poles will remain in place – the PUTTBUDDY system is installed and should
be the only method used for retrieving balls from the cup. Do not touch
 Do not share food and drink items with your playing partners. Do NOT pick up
others player’s golf balls or handle golf equipment belonging to other players such as clubs, trolleys etc.
After your game
 Members should return to their cars and go home without delay,
 The Clubhouse will close at 6.30pm daily.

It would be hardly worth the bother.

No mention of that here, full 18 opened

Will be interesting to see how the folks in Malahide get out to the Island golf course. Is there still a crossing on that estuary or do you have to do the loop drive?

Loop I think.

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The note was from a nine hole golf course. There be an awful lot of coming into contact with people if you were allowing people to play 18 holes. In fact it was always a balls playing 18 here because you could be hanging around for ages.

BRS open at 20:00 this evening to book for Monday it’ll be like getting into Ticketmaster🤦‍♂️

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Ours was open at 7 last night. At 7.05 90% of tee times were gone on the Monday. By 7.30 there were none left. Fellas who would have never countenanced playing with the cheating bastard player A or slow as a wet week player B had to swallow their pride and fall in with that 2 ball. It was fascinating to watch.

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All within 5km. Lol

How much are golf lessons?

40 to 60 euro an hour for someone half decent

Yep. My dad’s club were on VM News during the week and said that only about 40/50 of their members will be eligible to play but they were going to reopen.

My father is ineligible as he is 75 and lives over 20km away from the course.

Theres a fella in Fermoy/Mallow called Michael Collins (Coach of James Sugrue) who does lessons for about €40. Went to him a few times. He is very good.

Most members of my club will be in excess of 5Km distance. But when captains and presidents are ignoring the restriction then all bets are off. The ladys captain had 3 tee times all prebooked before the BRS went live and lives a distance away from the club.

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I think a lot will adhere to the restrictions. The notion that tee sheets are full up instantly with members all living within 5 km is fairly unlikely imho