Golf Thread

Adare are not going to stop people playing.Thats up to the guards.A former captain told me that himself.

Was he captain of his junior b club side?

Aye, I think they’ll publicly say one thing and do another.

Exactly.Tell him work away

He’d be a man for rules. He won’t go beyond 5km. He didn’t leave our place until the other day when the auld ones were allowed out (in fairness he has fields and there is forestry to the back of the house so he was getting plenty of fresh air and exercise)

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Waterrock closed for good lads. Gutted.

Tee time booked for 15.30 on Monday. Cannot fucking wait

Dear Bod95,

It has been brought to the attention of the Committee of Management that the 5km travel lim-it public health measure is not being adhered to by certain members. There are a number of names booked on next Monday’s timesheet who do not fall within the eligible 5km limit to travel to the Golf Club. These actions risk sending golf back into lockdown, and while many of this cohort of member may be frustrated with the current situation, the majority of same are within three weeks of playing golf when the radius is extended to 20 km on 8th June. This behaviour is causing upset to other members who would love to place their name on the time-sheet but will not do so because they are respectful of the governments and club’s protocols.

Though it should not be necessary, we wish to remind you the reason for the 5km travel limit public health measure is to negate the spread of a deadly virus, protect your safety and save lives. Many families in Mullingar have been profoundly affected by Covid 19, and the Club through the behaviour of its members have a duty of care to the wider community to behave in a proper and responsible manner. Furthermore, our course is clearly visible, as are those playing it, and we will be scrutinised very closely. There is a risk of reputational damage to the Club and we do not wish to lose the goodwill of the local community.

In the current health climate, ignorance is not an acceptable excuse for members breaching this public health measure. As a result, the Committee require those members living beyond the 5km travel limit to remove their names with immediate effect (please refer to link below for guidance). Failure to do so may leave the Committee with the unenviable task of shutting down all timesheets which in turn will spoil it for all complying members. This is a measure that we would not wish to implement but would not hesitate in doing if relevant members do not remove their name(s) from the timesheet immediately.

:man_facepalming: I’m 6.6km from the club


That’s a cunt… I’m 8 k but I don’t know how strict they are going to be

How far are you as the crow flies?


That would be good enough even for the guards.That club must be full of uber cunts

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That’s the annoying thing with golf sometimes. It’s attracts self righteous wankers who probably go to bed reading the rule book every night. Same wankers are probably up in arms that Tom in his 70s who lives 7km away is defying 2 government orders.

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Furthermore they make it their business to stick their nose into other peoples lives. Taking the time to find out where player A lives. Go on to google maps to find out the longest distance from player As address to the golf course. Present this evidence to the club secretary full of indignation justified by some bogus moral obligation to save peoples lives, when in reality they are just self serving wankers. If the problem persists they will be left with no other recourse to call Liveline on Monday and they will sign off the email, yours in golf etc.

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I heard Rathdowney Golf Club has only 10 members living within the 5km limit. Moat are from Johnstown/Urlingford, North Tipp and other parts of Leix

The 5km is bullshit and should have been done away with a long time ago. No one is adhering to it anyway.

I’d ask for my membership money back if they don’t let you play


Only busy bodies in certain clubs

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I’m 5km as the crow flies but have to drive 30km to get there. I’m going


If 10k cunts can go to Cheltenham amd bring back god knows what than you can certainly drive round in a circle to play golf.