Golf Thread

I’m not looking forward to this world handicap system in november. Lads will be pulling strokes next year to bate the band

The yanks wouldnt pull the throttle then to keep it high for the presidents prize

Manning is a flick of a wrist from snap hooking everything

That fairway is as wide as 3 here and they can’t hit it

He’s miles better than Brady tho

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That’s not saying a lot I know…

He seems better at managing the miss. He’s aiming for ot to get left if you get me.

Tom isn’t accounting for his miss right

Is it alternate shot on the back 9


Yes, should be a lot more fun.

Should be

The Americans fair love themselves lads


There’s not much humility here for sure.

Brady is going to put lefty in some spots.

I hope lefty let’s the inner cunt out

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Brady bitching it with an iron

Jesus they really are over compinsating for their drives… Set it up down the middle and hit the fucking thing

The fairways are 200 yards wide

Phil left brady an absolute pig of a chip here

Brady going for the safer option. Quelle…

The chicken stick.

Ah would you make him putt that for fuck sake, that was 6 foot

Mickelson is a gomie

Serious drive from Phil but I cannot stand the man, never could and never will