Good Books

Finished Strange Sally Diamond there - I was a bit nonplussed as to what all the fuss was about to be honest -fairly standard airport/holiday thriller no?

Before that I’d read Sleepwalkers by Christopher Clark. Dense book about the slide into WW1. Thought it was great - changed a lot of my presumptions about what caused the war. Russians and French the real villains.

I have Wuthering Heights ready to go whenever I can get to it.

You should have no problems there

Nineteen Eighty Four is a great book.

I did it for the Leaving cert and loved it. And loved writing about it in my final year in school. I think I’ve read it 3 times since and it leaves a bigger impression every time.


No. 1984.

1989, I’m not as old as you like.

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It’s hard to believe it was written in the forties. A truly remarkable book.

I thought it was great. He’s just a wonderful writer with a magic to how he uses words.

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Halfway through this. I think it’s tremendous. His best novel to date imo


Started this on audible. He’s a lovely writer. It’s very engaging.

1984 is free on audible, a dramatised version
I don’t think I’ve read it before, it’s very very good

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I reread Ian Kershaws one volume biography of Hitler there over the last couple of weeks. Read it about four years ago but didn’t take it in properly because I hadn’t the time to read it in more than 30/40 pages a day and it’s very dense and runs to 1000 pages. I had the time (I was waiting in for the tiler) to read 100 plus pages a day this time. Different experience. It’s an extraordinary life story and he tells it very well. A chap who was living rough and then in a homeless hostel in Austria at 21 becomes undisputed ruler of Germany 25 years later through a combination of luck and the connivance of people who should know better. The analysis of his personality is brilliant. Recommended to people who have time on their hands to read it.


Just the 44 hours on audible. It’ll be a nice follow up to Sleepwalkers.

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Looks worth a read


Read Long Island by Colm Toibin on holidays a fella gave it to me at the pool when he was finished it…really enjoyed it. Don’t think iv ever read a Toibin book before…worth looking for another one of his books?

Yes, Brooklyn is much better than Long Island

Blackwater Lightship and the heather blazing are very good also

I’m listening to Poor at the moment, it’s a stunning book, think you had recommended


Yep…one you wouldn’t forget for a while…the definition of warts and all

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