Good Books

Finally got around to reading “Bury my heart at Wounded Knee”. Very very good. I believe @Kyle was a fan back in the day

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Very good book

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Picked it up and read while I was travelling across the USA a couple of years ago. Put perspective on things.

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I was thinking of reading the Third Policeman again. Haven’t read it since I was a teenager. Originally read it because Phil Lynott said it was his favourite book in an interview. I was young and impressionable.

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I’ve never read it.

I think the plot of the TV show Lost was inspired by it

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It’s not as good as At-Swim-Two-Birds for me.

I think it was before than The Third Policeman so you might say I prefer O’Brien’s earlier stuff.

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Published posthumously I understand from Google after it was rejected and he claimed to have lost manuscript to spare his humiliation.

At-Swim-Two-Birds is a masterpiece,

Probably the best book I have ever read. Clearly coming from a mind that was brilliant,

The Third Policeman is similar but even more out there. An excellent book worth reading if you’re into avant garde which I am.

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Guys, don’t get into comparing O’Nolan’s books. They are incomparable. Their own separate, unique universes. Just enjoy them for what they are.
@TheUlteriorMotive you’re about to have the literary time of your life.


Got a present of this. Finished it yesterday. Beautifully written book and a must read for anyone with a passing interest in jazz. Deals with the lead up to the recording of A Kind of Blue and its aftermath through the lives of Miles Davis, John Coltrane and Bill Evans. There’s a lot of drugs, mostly heroin and the character flaws of the three protagonists aren’t sugar coated.

To put the tin hat on it I went into the independent record shop in town, Luca, in the afternoon and found three second hand vinyls by Dave Brubeck, Thelonius Monk and Miles Davis in impeccable nick. Yer man gave me the three of them for €50. :+1:


I’ll be buying that, I find Miles Davis to be an utterly compelling and fascinating character - and then throw in Coltrane and Evans for good measure.

As I say if you have any interest at all in the subject you will likely love it. It’s one of those books I slowed down reading towards the end because I didn’t want to finish it. If you want my copy send me a pm and I’ll send it on to you.

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