Good Books


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Thanks mate. Saved me wasting another bit of my life

Read the book. Its brilliant

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I read it when it first came out. Enjoyed it. He won the booker with another book also, Oscar and Lucinda maybe recalling from my dim memory. Meh.

Good to know. Ill rade the buke

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Any recommendations for books on Irish history which deals with home rule up to declaration of the Republic?

The fatal path Ronan Fanning

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How did you find it having read it all?

I thought it started superbly and the language etc was great but I thought it became a bit cliched and rom-com towards the end

cc @backinatracksuit

Yeah. Id agree with that. Second half was not as good as the first half. Overall I still really enjoyed it though

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I loved it, listened to it on audible so don’t know if that makes a difference
The Nickel boys is another really good recent book, not sure if I mentioned it here before.

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Reading this at the moment - very enjoyable read. Covid 19 not withstanding we don’t know we are born compared to what life was like four or five generations ago.


He found the cholera pump, or typhoid or somesuch and smashed it with a sledge iirc?

I’m about two thirds way through this at the moment and I think it’s an incredible piece of work, I also enjoyed his recent book ‘The Nickel Boys’

I admit to knowing very little about the Underground Railroad but I’m planning on rectifying that’s soon, an incredible operation, but the book, my God it’s just brilliant

Finished this tonight for the second time. Read it when it came out first in 1993. Not particularly well written but the INLA were some story. Nutters. Many years ago I was woken up by the sound of gunfire due to an assassination attempt on Seamus Costello founder of the IRSP and INLA in Waterford


Very good read that . Some pretty dangerous hombres in the organisation . The splits were pretty savage . Some ghastly details

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Gene Kerrigan had a book a good few years back about crime cases and the first chapter was a lengthy one about Dessie O’Hare and the INLA. Unhinged.

Is it a good read?

It’s in the good books thread pal.

The INLA was founded in The Spa Hotel in Lucan. I only found out that recently.

Not all nutters, strategist and thinkers first