Good Books

Starting this tonight

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IV only listened to one of them. One Day. V good

My top 5 audio books… I struggle with too serious topics on audio books. If your mind wanders at all your fucked

  1. Shoe Dog
  2. Sevens Heaven
  3. I heard you paint houses
  4. BadBlood
  5. Damaged Goods

Reading this for the last while. Great book but by Jesus it’s long. Broke the back of it at the weekend got through 150 pages.

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Bossy pants is a great read.

Someone recommended the local library for audiobooks. I never knew such a thing existed. Honrale.
I downloaded the app and started this.
Enjoying it more as an audiobook than I would reading it I reckon.
I’d still prefer to read most books, but this is a bit too smug in spots for a normal read, but is mostly excellent thus far as the lass reading it is excellent.
Thanks whoever recommended the app and the library.

Listened to Travellers in theThird Reich, didn’t appeal to me but I got through,

Looking for some recommendations, non fiction, maybe popular science along the lines of Sapiens and humankind

What’s the Bill Bryson books (body and a short history of everything) like?

The Body is very good. Funny how out of date it seems now post Covid.

Have you read/listened to Talking to Strangers by Malcolm Gladwell.

The Undoing Project by Michael Lewis also good

Have you read Civilisation by Niall Ferguson

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Have you read 1927 by Bryson?

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A Short History of Nearly Everything is very good, still the best of his non-travel books imo.

How It Ends by Chris Impey is one of the best science books I’ve ever read.

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I wouldn’t have much interest in the popular science books but few decent non fiction listens

Catch and kill- Ronan farrow about the expose of Harvey Weinstein

Chasing Hilary - amy chozick

Beautiful Boy - David sheff

Bad Blood- John carreyou

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Just out today, great start anyway


What’s it about? Were the reviews good?

Looks interesting

Cc @briantinnion @Fagan_ODowd

The Wexford/Limerick clique won’t stand for this denigration

I read this one before which was definitive enough for me.

Was he over-rated?

I’ve read the one @Fagan_ODowd mentions below but I might give that one a go in two years when I get through the mammoth Hitler biography I’m reading at the moment.

Like the French Revolution - it’s too early to tell.

People love telling you he was overrated to show you how much they know but the the truth is he didn’t get a chance to show what he was made of. He was led up the garden path on the Bay of Pigs and had probably decided to take on the shadowy powers that be when he was killed so we don’t really know what he would have done.

The book @Fagan_ODowd mentioned is fairly long but worth a read even if just to understand the origins of the Cold War.

I was reading On The Road pre lockdown and between different things I haven’t got back to it. Which tells its own story perhaps.

You can clearly see why it’s influenced so many across different cultural areas. The earliest book that I’ve read (40s, 50s) that openly talks about casual riding and robbing and bumming around which was to be epitomised in the counterculture movement of later years.

Lee Harvey Oswald. Acted alone?