Good Documentary about the GAA on RTE @21.50 tonight

No surprise that the castrated lad is leading the choir.

I have mentioned this in the past. NCC went very quiet the last time I brought it up too.

that sick mass-goer who commentates in irish on the minor games will surely featureā€¦

If itā€™s so big just spit it out and stop looking for attention

Louis Theroux is a bit of wierdo too though. Heā€™s interviewing style is odd but I suppose itā€™s effective.

If it keeps NCC quiet Runt, spit it out now.
For the good of the board!


The neo colonial anti GAA, anti Catholic and anti Irish language brigade are out in force on this thread. These were the sorts of shoneens faced by the association 125 years ago where Ireland was slowing turning into a little Britain, as it is now.

the papes & the GGA were always anti Irish liberty - the papes were blatant about it , the gga were a tool for the brits to stop Irish men taking up arms

Yes, no less a character as the Chairman of the Dublin County Board, Harry Boland was a real help to the British suppression of the Irish uprising.

what about carsons gga connections?

Carsonā€™s colonial hockey jiggery pokery was never affiliated to Cumann Luthcleas Gael.

hockey jiggery pokery should have been added to that poll that i recently put up

what the fuck are you on about?
id rather this country had a british influence than live under the canon law state that weirdos like u so desire
u are clearly seething that the gga has been badly exposed as a bunch of kiddiefiddlers like the minor commentator and is dominated by a bunch of archbishopsā€¦
u then make the arguemnt that we are turning into britan,
fuck off and do it is whatever u do alone with your photos of pat spillane from circa 1982

[quote=ā€œmickee321ā€]what the fuck are you on about?
id rather this country had a british influence than live under the canon law state that weirdos like u so desire
u are clearly seething that the gga has been badly exposed as a bunch of kiddiefiddlers like the minor commentator dominated by a bunch of archbishopsā€¦
u then make the arguemnt that we are turning into britan,
fuck off and do it is whatever u do alone with your photos of pat spillane from circa 1982[/quote]

Is this guy for real?
Couldnā€™t be surelyā€¦

Back to freedom loving israel for you Mickee boy

Oh weā€™ve had a British influence, mickeee. Graham Rix and his sick antics were the catalyst for the deviancy The Runt has alluded to. Sexual depravity now goes to the core of association football whereby itā€™s now almost impossible to distinguish the two apart.

Sickening stuff shannonsider

[quote=ā€œLazarusā€]If it keeps NCC quiet Runt, spit it out now.
For the good of the board![/quote]

Sure it wouldnā€™t be too hard to put 2+2 together. A soccer coach is due up on charges of child abuse in the next month or so.

lets see EPL runt defend an EPL coach? cat got your tongue Runt?

If they had their way SS, weā€™d be absolutely riddled by the two finest exports of the empire. Soccer and syphilis.
All scratching our balls as we chant abuse at whoever wears the other jersey. Then off for a feed of stella, curry and spousal abuse.
Its a mans life in the empire yā€™know.