Gravesen and Riordan to Exit Celtic Park?

This thread discusses the Content article: [url=]Gravesen and Riordan to Exit Celtic Park?

I’m staggered at Riordan’s comments.

If he had any intention or serious ambition of becoming a Celtic regular he should have spent all summer in the gym. The guy comes back wafer thin yet again and spent both games out in Switzerland getting shoved off the ball and making no impression whatsoever.

He doesn’t enjoy playing upfront apparently and has stated wide left is his preferred position, yet he lacks the all round football skills and strength to play there. If he doesn’t realise this and expects to play without knuckling down and producing considerable improvement then he can leave as far as I’m concerned.

I’ve literally seen nothing from him to make me think he can play an important role in the Celtic squad.

As for Gravesen - I gave up on him last December. His attitude on the pitch absolutely sickens me.

Pretty much agree with you on both those points.

There was a clamour for Riordan to get picked by Strachan but frankly he hasn’t done enough to impress me when he has played. He’s not quite quick enough, not quite strong enough and not quite determined enough. He scores the odd goal and to his credit his movement into the box from the wing to get on the end of chances is decent, but other than that I’m not overly impressed.

With the wages Gravesen is on I’d happily move him on.

I am getting a little worried about the quality of our squad. I know it’s nothing new but up front and at the back we have plenty of players but we’re really lacking class. I don’t think it’s an issue in midfield where Aiden, Naka, Donati, Brown is a quality quartet. I think Hartley will be decent this year, Jarosilk is frustrating but can be effective and Bjarnasson looks good.

Our defenders and strikers (other than Jan) wouldn’t look out of place at Hibs or Hearts unfortunately.

therock67 wrote:

Pretty much agree with you on both those points.

There was a clamour for Riordan to get picked by Strachan but frankly he hasn’t done enough to impress me when he has played. He’s not quite quick enough, not quite strong enough and not quite determined enough. He scores the odd goal and to his credit his movement into the box from the wing to get on the end of chances is decent, but other than that I’m not overly impressed.

With the wages Gravesen is on I’d happily move him on.

I am getting a little worried about the quality of our squad. I know it’s nothing new but up front and at the back we have plenty of players but we’re really lacking class. I don’t think it’s an issue in midfield where Aiden, Naka, Donati, Brown is a quality quartet. I think Hartley will be decent this year, Jarosilk is frustrating but can be effective and Bjarnasson looks good.

Our defenders and strikers (other than Jan) wouldn’t look out of place at Hibs or Hearts unfortunately.

Exactly. I was at a function on Friday night and got chatting to piedpiper about Celtic’s squad and we both agreed that two further signings are required - a defender and a striker - and they need to be quality ones.

We have an awful lot of players now but, as you say, many are of the same quality. We could sell two CBs with there being 6 or 7 at the club at the moment and likewise with strikers. However, two really quality additions in these positions could make all the difference.

That’s the harshest criticism I’ve read Strachan ever giving a Celtic player. There seems to be a personality clash between Gravesen and him. Not overly surprised with Riordan’s comments and it is only right that he should be looking to play more. I think its imperative for him that when he gets his opportunity early in the season he does well. Otherwise his days will be numbered.

Gravesen has been linked with a 2m move to Toulouse.

They qualified for the CL last season (thanks to crowd trouble at Nantes where the win was awarded to Toulouse despite a nil all draw) so they might be able to afford him and he might be interested in playing CL.

A few lads who are usually reliable enough on are saying that we have to start selling before we can bring any more in. In particular they’re mentioning Gravesen and Balde what with their respective wages.

Things have gone a good bit quieter on the transfer front in the last week or so but that doesn’t necessarily mean these rumours are true. Although I do think the squad is getting too big and unwieldy and it’d be wise to get a few following Marshall and Beattie out the door.

The thing is a lot of these players are adamant they want to stay and fight for places so it might be well into August before they accept their time is up at Celtic - that then leaves us with very little time to spend the transfer money astutely and there’s a huge European qualifier tie in mid August to plan for too.

I’d say we still have a small amount of cash floating around - we did have a look at Rigters after all but if you consider the Pearson money went on Hartley, the Petrov money has gone on Killen, Donati and Brown. I suspect however that some of that cash was spent in advance on Tommy and big Jan.

We should still have money from the sales of the Beat and Marshall plus a few quid floating around from the CL run but I’d say the wages of Tommy and Bobo are the stumbling block at the moment. Brilliant if we can get a decent fee for them and everything but I’d be happy with just getting rid Tommy and Bobo if someone takes the wages off our hands.

Assuming everyone’s fit for the start of the season what would your starting centre back partnership for the first game be?

Candidates are McManus, Pressley, Balde, Kennedy, Caldwell, O’Dea, Virgo.

My opening back 4 would be:

Wilson McManus O’Dea Naylor

Best I’d hope for is:

Wilson McManus Kennedy Naylor

Worst case scenario is the involvement of Pressley and Virgo.

I’m looking at:

Wilson; McManus; O’Dea; Naylor;
Nakamura; Donati; Brown; McGeady;
Hesselink; Zurawski*;

Thing is there’s no chance of O’Dea playing despite his Milan performances. Actually, is he injured? Neither Caldwell or O’Dea featured in Switzerland.

  • No striker has shown enough to warrant partnering JVoH but I’ll go with Magic as he has a proven record.

We’re also short on full back cover if we have turned Doumbe down as was shown by Bjarnason filling in at right back and McManus on the left in the 2 games so far.

O’Dea has a hamstring injury - he was in Dublin for the AICSC dinner on Saturday where he picked up the young player of the season award. I presume Caldwell is injured too.

That’s the team I’d pick too but I’d be happy if Kennedy was there instead of O’Dea.

We do need a full back though we were probably right to turn Doumb down. If he wasn’t convinced after his stay last season then I’m sure we can get someone else in. Michael Hart for example.

Sheffield United are trying to negotiate a fee with us:

Sheff Utd continue Gravesen talks

Sheffield United are continuing talks with Celtic in an attempt to sign Danish midfielder Thomas Gravesen.
Boss Bryan Robson opened discussions with Celtic earlier this month for the 31-year-old former Everton favourite, who joined the Bhoys from Real Madrid.

Blades plc chairman Kevin McCabe told BBC Radio Sheffield: "We’ve been trying to negotiate terms with Celtic.

“He’s on our list, so now it’s a question of can we conclude terms and does the player want to come to us?”

Gravesen failed to establish himself in the Celtic first team last season after his 2m move from Real Madrid.

However, Gravesen has indicated that he wants to stay in Glasgow and may be reluctant to move to the Championship.

Gravesen, who has also been linked with Toulouse, is currently training with the rest of the Celtic squad at their camp in Switzerland.

Talk of Gravesen going on loan to them for the season now with option to make it permanent if they get promoted.

I’d prefer to get this imposter off the books completely now though. Surely having played in England and Spain some fools will offer us 2m and we can snap their hands off.

I heard they’ve supplied 500 sponsorless hoops to Celtic stores worldwide and that’s it.

Think they were made available last weekend so no hope of getting them.

As a result, I’m going into town tomorrow morning on my bi-annual shopping expedition and I’ll get a set of normal hoops.

Some people say it’s childish getting a name and number on the back but I disagree - I’ll be ‘Brown - 8’.

Have you seen the youtube video on how to remove the Carling with an iron? Looks fairly straightforward and it doesn’t leave a mark really.

childish & slightly gay

fingal raven wrote:

childish & slightly gay

Just like your face.


Rocko, anywhere on line to watch the Celtic match tonight?

Heard Setanta pulled out of showing it live.