I remember preparing for confirmation that year and being in a shop in Headford Road with my mother buying a confirmation outfit and this song was playing in the background… I was trying to reconcile the hypocrisy of the event to the song. Twas deep stuff for a 12 year old at the time.
Saw REM in Lansdowne Road, I think it was the summer of 1999. But open to correction on that. Definitely the same stage that they had for this gig in Glastonbury. Really good gig.
I drank a bottle of buckfast with a load of my mates from Oranmore on the bus up. We thought we were legends. We probably were.
Angels was a great slow set song back in the day. The women would go mad trying to find a lad to wear the face off for it. If it was the third of 3 songs and you’d been unlucky you knew your luck was about to turn