Great Irish Music

you’ve really got something stuck in your craw, haven’t you ?

the sad fact that the highlight of your weekend will have been logging in here to call me a mong, whatever about the toing and froing between me and ncc, tis banter, with you i can feel the venom and failed life dripping from every post

get over yourself, it’s just the internet

[quote=“artfoley”]you’ve really got something stuck in your craw, haven’t you ?

the sad fact that the highlight of your weekend will have been logging in here to call me a mong, whatever about the toing and froing between me and ncc, tis banter, with you i can feel the venom and failed life dripping from every post

get over yourself, it’s just the internet[/quote]

This contributor sets himself a very low standard which he fails to maintain.

it’s alright tipptops, i forgive you

who would have thought a thread that set out to praise all that is good in Irish music could descend into such vicious bile.

I wish I could delete all those posts, I really wish I could



Immense this one:clap::clap::clap:


This is as fine of an Irish song as there is. Beautiful stuff.


Lads, it’s a slight bit of hassle but if you go to, select Ceol-Cartlann from the side bar and find Anam an Amhrin for 30/12 and then skip to 9:15 there’s a SAVAGE track by Declan O’Rourke, an old Irish song, an Amhan Dalla or something like that. It’s bloody fantastic.

A bit of Rory…


Good shout, it’s Damhan lla I think (the spider).

He’s actually sung some cracking Irish stuff, hard to find it usually though. Good singer though.

[quote=“Rocko”]Good shout, it’s Damhan lla I think (the spider).

He’s actually sung some cracking Irish stuff, hard to find it usually though. Good singer though.[/quote]

He is. He’s playing in Bray next Friday I might go and see him. The last song on that show is super too, by two sisters from Donegal.

Damhan Alla is immense, it should be number one here if it was a proper and just Ireland.

CUA from Laois :flushed:


The second captains interviewed Andy Irvine yesterday. They referred to this clip. Great stuff.

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