Great Irish Music

What type of music do you like? (Before you check them out)

Everything bar rap/hip-hop and general pop music …

I’d say that’s practically impossible going on your age, I’m pretty sure you’ve mentioned frequenting Costellos, all indie clubs would have had Twinkle, tripped, when we were young and we don’t need nobody else on their playlists for many years.
Probably didn’t know you were listening to Whipping Boy??

Ive youtubed both those songs and i’ve never heard them … I flicked through a good few songs there on youtube - No joy. Is there a chance it played in the background when I was out and about? Possibly.

Initial reaction is a meh… I might try the album above.

4 songs in… a pile of shite… i’m out.

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It was a great album but it was of it’s time i suppose,
I think ‘When we were young’ woul stand up to the test of time instantly, the others were probably slow burners aided by drink and weak hash

They were very much a band of their time, if you loaded up on mushrooms and Bulmers you’d enjoy them I’d say.


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That’s what I thought when listening to it … you were either there or you weren’t.

You were both there and you weren’t, like Schrodinger’s cat.

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When we were young is the worst song on it in my opinion.

The lead singer was some wanker

“Blinded” has the exact same intro as “Perfect” by Smashing Pumpkins.

Corgan the thieving bastard.

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I seen them in Dolan’s mid 2000’s and the singer stage dived, the place wasn’t packed and he was lucky not to break his neck

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Around the start of Tonight Tonight, just before vocals, there’s a little riff that’s very similar to that used in Dreams by The Cranberries.

Billy obviously liked the Irish indie scene.

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Future Kings of Spain were a good band back in the 2000’s, never really had any success though

Heartworm: It’s an album you could put on and listen to all the way through, which isn’t the case for a lot of albums. Just listened to Bowie’s Low all the way through there at serious volume, what an album, not a moment wasted thanks to Eno.

Toss up between that and Scary Monsters for his best IMO. Just listening to Scary Monsters there now, what a lineup, Fripp and his Fripponics , fucking Pete Townsend, New Wave at it’s finest.

Original pressing. Might stick it on later.


You may as well when you have it out shur

I’ve been at gigs in Dolan’s where the “stage dive” involved the singer clambering nervously on top of a group of ultra fans at front of the stage and then carried by the same lads at speed across a sparsely filled Warehouse to the jacks at the back. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: