Great TFK Vindications

I wont lie, I was horrified in there yesterday. I went in to ht my pink size 4 sliothar a few belts but the vista I saw…I’m shook. People sitting around having coffee, going for walks, lads playing soccer…I could go on., but for the sake of the forum I wont

Go and get tested lad. There is no way you could have avoided Covid yesterday.

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In all seriousness, isn’t this what it’s been like all along,
In good weather you can’t keep people at home, same scenes all over

I suppose I’m wondering what point it is your making?

Dont always assume I’m making a point

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Not teaching today?

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Why would you say that? It’s a school day

@BruidheanChaorthainn correctly predicted that Tiger Woods would win the golf tournament at the weekend.


I think there’s cause for celebration amongst the clique who refer to the groundball game as soccer when one of our national heroes Eamon Dunphy pointedly and repeatedly confirmed it’s status on national television tonight. It’s soccer whether you like it or not.



I confirmed that a long time ago. Dunphy Giles Brian kerr and that ilk have always called it soccer. It’s really as simple as that and puts an end to the debate immediately

Dunphy is a dunce

You are probably too young to remember but he was embarrassed by Ireland in the 1990 world cup

Shane Ross was his best man too iirc

Thought Ronaldo was a dud

Etc etc



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You’ve turned into an awful killjoy

I’d say he goes around with a scowl on him all day, like Greta Thunberg.

…throwing stones at lads out mowing their lawns and buying bicycles for random strangers…

More like this


The impossible has been achieved



All the naysayers who think people should have been grateful for a TV company carrying on as if it was 1997 should apologise to me on this thread.

I would also be unblocked by the TG4 GAA Beo Twitter page, if there were any justice in this world.


A great victory

It only took a global pandemic, but the genie is out of the bottle now :clap:

TG4 need to go HD on Saorview before it’ll give them any credence.
Not sure what the hold-up is…

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