Guerilla Days in Ireland - The Tom Barry Story

the hypocrisy from whiplash carryharry and a few others is sickening

tom barry is a hero but yet when a true Irish freedom fighter like Alan Ryan is murdered last week not a peep out of them

Write a book about him.

i would but my grammar is appalling

I don’t think the people who’d buy it, would notice tbh


The threw rotten food at the 1916 men TASE, do you think in 100 odd years time Alan Ryan will be mentioned in the same breath?

They told me how Ryan, was shot in mid-day,
The Garda surveillance, strangely missing that day,
His fine body twisted, all battered and lame,
They soon made me part of the protection game

The story of his interview about the 9 hunger strikers made me laugh-a true republican as Fat Freddie Thompson would no doubt agree.

Have you a link for this HB?

I’ll try to dig it out later me oul flower. Let’s just say his grasp of republican history was tenuous at best.

That bit is true.

Bought the book off amazon this week. Another one for the backlog.

Going to the play tomo. Grand it has to be taken with a grain of salt but is it any good?

Who is Tomo?

It’s alright, it’s not great. It is extensively and expertly reviewed on the excellent Rocko’s Theatre Review Thread.