
Where does one go for a good reasonably priced short back and sides. Was charged 18 billls the last time for a fairly average chop (admitedly it was a cute eastern european lady operating the shears but she hadn’t a clue how to cut hair) i think evey 4/5 weeks is sufficient but i’ve heard of gentlemen opting for a more regualr visit.

I cut my hair every 6 months or so - did it last week - and I just shave it myself so I’ve no idea. Are haircuts not a fiver anymore? 18 euro is crazy money.

Sam’s Barbers on Dame Lame used to do a mid week special where you could get a crop for around 8 euro on Monday to Wednesday

Usually wait until I go home to get it done now - 10

I always get a blade through mine and it costs me 16 european currencies in a place on Baggot Street. Quite ridiculous really. I think it’s even pushing up to 13/14eur for a simple blade in Wexford now too. Had an unfortunate accident with bleach when I was in college so no chance of doing a diy job on my hair.

Luckily enough for me I only get the mop cut ever 8-10 months. My hair is on it last legs and about to disappear.When I do get it chopped I usually hit the barbers in dundrum shopping centre, pricey, but I dont mind considering its a rare pleasure for me

just cuts on talbot street and theres one near zansi bar. 6 euro mon, tues i think.

Grafton Barber in the IFSC, would go neat the one on Grafton Street. There is a fella working in the IFSC one from Mustique (I think) and he’s the best in the business.

Just googled Mustique, I’d never heard of it before.

I just Wikipedia’ed it, he mustn’t be from there. Unless he’s taking part in that secret millionaire program on Channel4. If he is he better give me money so I can get the hell out of my sh!t job.

End of the third paragraph:

End of the third paragraph:

Class!! Can you put something in about the Grafton Barber being frequented by Ireland’s you elite? Accountants and the like making sh!tloads in financial services.

Just put something small in there - you can update it yourself as needs be.

Excellent. We should update this page as and when we like with our own unique references.

Tommy Dowd is a man who knows a good haircut and sticks by it.

Some set of shoulders on him

The just look bigger due to the lack of a neck.

Now there’s a haircut you could set your watch by,
