Where does one go for a good reasonably priced short back and sides. Was charged 18 billls the last time for a fairly average chop (admitedly it was a cute eastern european lady operating the shears but she hadn’t a clue how to cut hair) i think evey 4/5 weeks is sufficient but i’ve heard of gentlemen opting for a more regualr visit.
I cut my hair every 6 months or so - did it last week - and I just shave it myself so I’ve no idea. Are haircuts not a fiver anymore? 18 euro is crazy money.
I always get a blade through mine and it costs me 16 european currencies in a place on Baggot Street. Quite ridiculous really. I think it’s even pushing up to 13/14eur for a simple blade in Wexford now too. Had an unfortunate accident with bleach when I was in college so no chance of doing a diy job on my hair.
Luckily enough for me I only get the mop cut ever 8-10 months. My hair is on it last legs and about to disappear.When I do get it chopped I usually hit the barbers in dundrum shopping centre, pricey, but I dont mind considering its a rare pleasure for me
Grafton Barber in the IFSC, would go neat the one on Grafton Street. There is a fella working in the IFSC one from Mustique (I think) and he’s the best in the business.
I just Wikipedia’ed it, he mustn’t be from there. Unless he’s taking part in that secret millionaire program on Channel4. If he is he better give me money so I can get the hell out of my sh!t job.
Class!! Can you put something in about the Grafton Barber being frequented by Ireland’s you elite? Accountants and the like making sh!tloads in financial services.