Have the AFR boyos won

It appears so

posters such as kev nowhere to be seen
Paranoia and backstabbing at an all time high
mods moderating like they never moderated before

I have to hand it to carryharry and horsebox- they said they were going to bring us down and they have

The fear here today has been staggering. I’ve never seen anything like it mate. I’ve been listening to the Ballad of Gerard Casey in the background, that’s all that’s been keeping me posting with my usual bravery.


We are immersed in a melodious effluvium.


You keep on giving TASE :clap:

We need to get Cowpat to sit down with TASE for a few hours to teach him how to create threads that generate meaningful informative discussions.

TASE, mate, you were the very best thread creator. Now it saddens me to say you have lost your way. I know this is tough for all of us to accept but we need to move on and move with the times. Cowpat is the man to lead us there and if TASE is man enough to accept the help, and I know he will being the gentleman and scholar that he is, we will come out of this dip all the better for it.

I was hoping to become a prime WUM on here, but to no avail…

what’s a WUM?

No they haven’t won, their type was exposed on day 1 and ridiculed, they can never recover. I just laugh everytime one of them posts, they have no shame.

I’m still waiting on Horsebox to accept my friend request in Facebook

are you serious?

i ask the questions around here by the way.

Wind Up Merchant

:lol: :lol: :lol:

These AFR guys just keep outdoing themselves. :clap:

That’s because you’re a thick dullard who thought copying and pasting Daily Mail articles constituted winding us up.

I thought he was going to pull away from the brink there. What a clown.

TASE, WTB, TTK etc…your boys took one hell of a beating.

Cowpat has destroyed the TFK aristocracy it has to be said. Lots of legends being led a merry dance. We are looking at quadruple double reverse ball hops and the likes that has never been seen before. Outstanding work.

All this attention is very flattering. The site simpletons, TASE and TTK, need to just move on. New members should be welcomed on any forum to keep it fresh and interesting. This site has lots going for it with some sound, intelligent, witty posters but it also has it’s fair share of insular posters terrified of change like the two individuals mentioned who seem to have anger issues with TASE, in particular, following new posters around like a demented paedophile. Just move on and engage and open your mind-things will work out fine in the end and you never know we could end up being very, very good friends.

Here here.

A fine speech too i might add friend. :clap:

with a view toward romance, and maybe more…all going well? :licklips: