Have you ever soiled yourself as an adult?

He is a top top poster

Close call that involved washing your hands?

Wtf is a disaster?

I had to do something similar a fortnight ago. 500 meters into a trail run I could feel the pains. Run started on road so I quickly diverted my route into a part of the mountain that Iā€™ve never met anyone on.


read it again !

Your a fucking animal man.


The Camino de Santiago was a disaster. Youā€™d always be 5-10km away from the next toilet. And there would nearly always be a queue.

Throw in foreign food, day long heat and dodgy water from outdoor taps and pumps, causing frequent rumbles.

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Limerick posters will be familiar with the one legged wheelchair using tapper around the town,
He sleeps in a doorway alongside the French table with his permanent companion, I was out jogging this morning and passed them, one of the cunts had obviously done a massive shit :poop: next to where they sleep overnight, it was fucking massive and it was disgusting

Just thought Iā€™d let ye know, it was just there , about 6 feet from their heads, no paper around either


A friend of a friend of mine left her shoes outside the front of her tent night at a festival. Woke up the next morning early needing to go to the toilet and went to put on her shoes and found a shit inside in one of them. Woke up her boyfriend who was asleep beside her and told him someone had done a shit in her shoe. Oh no, he said, that was me. Heā€™d woken up bursting in the middle of the night, couldnā€™t face going to a toilet, so opened the zip of the tent, stuck just his arse out, shat (into the shoe obviously), and crawled back in and went back to sleep.


he needs to go

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I canā€™t believe he owned up. Schoolboy error


I felt like I was nearly there with you. I need one myself after reading that.

Id rather have a peaceful dump in the bog than some mangy shopping centre probably owned by the Quinn family via a front corporation in Kazakhstan with scrotes kicking the door.
Id imagine once a couple of litres of second hand Pakistani cuisine and imported lager emerged after 12 hours in a festering belly, gently agitated along the kilbarrack road before violently seeing the light if day, their desire to snort coke off.that particular cistern waned somewhat. Certainly thereā€™s no mention of them thereafter.

Rumour has it that that was one of the hurling panel. Keily and Enoch are calculating whether heā€™s key enough to have the cyber division of the squad wipe CCTV in the area.

I hope she told him to go shit in his hat.

All my laughing, I was caught short on the motorway in Spain today. I was only a few km from hotel but was biting my fist while driving and weighing up my options. I spied a full packet of tissues near gearstick so was ok there, then saw a bush sticking out on the hard shoulder up ahead. Seat belt off while car was rolling to a stop. Got out, pants down, one fart and what can only be described as a bucket of shit came out. Used all the tissues, back in the car and now having dinner with the missus. I would hate to see who comes across that shit in a few months after a summer of hot sun beating down on it. I hate to think of the scenario if I had shat myself in the car with the dog and the missus as witnessesā€¦


Did she have to witness this!!!

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Iā€™d say she reckons the Irish spend all day farting and shiteing


A top top pooster


she did. The dog too.

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