HBV - A Poll to decide if the forum wants him back (non binding)

As a result of a post somewhere by someone, a poll to decide if the majority of the forum wants the return of @HBV*

Poll will close at 4.30PM

  • Bring him back
  • Let him rot
  • I like lamp

0 voters

*This poll is non binding, its a Friday and TFK was built on polls.

@HBV was a grumpy auld cunt. He’s missed. Bring him back.


He is a hate filled bigot with a head like Rocky Dennis… that’s fine, but he just ruined every thread by derailing it with the same tired bullshit. No loss at all.

If that’s a banning offence…

Is he still banned?? I don’t think so ----

God no.

Back. I enjoyed the unbridled hatred between himself and Choco.

Choco has recently been bridled so it may change the dynamics.

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I didn’t reply to the cunt for months on end but he just kept tagging me like a sad, lonely man.

It’s only dawned on me that the rural right wingers have been waiting for ages for their co-ordinated return to TFK.

I can only imagine the disappointed little heads on the 40-something year olds waiting to reply in unison before they realised that HBV’s suspension is a rolling 1-month one.

Ready, set…oh his suspension’s been kicked out for another month.

It’s happened twice now and @Ambrose_McNulty in particular clearly couldn’t hold off on posting any longer. He’s fucking seething and he’s going to let everybody know.

Welcome back, guys. :thumbsup:


Just for the record pal, I’m a good bit younger than 40. Continue on.

In to him, pal.

You need HBV pal, he’s your nemesis.

Perhaps they’ll try and take legal action…

I’ll take that as a compliment… ying to his yang.

And being willingly groomed by the more elderly Bitch Boys.

A quiet enough weekend of sport . This place will be toxic with bile to fill the vacuum. :popcorn::popcorn:

Huh? There’s GAA and football to look forward to - the same as last week.

@Brimmer_Bradley - How are the clergy fixed?

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However @dooley votes, historically so shall the forum. The die has been cast.

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