HBV - A Poll to decide if the forum wants him back (non binding)

Yesterday at 4:30

Is it true the Clergy can vote after the poll closes?

Do you ever make a post that doesnā€™t make you look like a massive cock?

Iā€™ll give you the answer, seeing as youā€™re too slow to work it out.

No, you donā€™t.

I doubt it, palā€¦ itā€™s in the charter that polls must run for at least 24hrs but no longer than 72,

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I know nothing about those vile bastards.


So every time I post you visualise a massive cock? Are you a homosexual? Iā€™m not slagging now, Iā€™m not homophobic.

Homophobia is yet another string to your bow of uselessness, no doubt.

Stop posting and you wonā€™t look like such a massive cock.

A massive cock with no balls.

Itā€™s OK, as I said, Iā€™m not homophobic. Accept yourself Sid. Nothing wrong with it.

And tone down the insults and aggression. Makes you look like a right cunt.

Sure you arenā€™t.

Again, thatā€™s a badge of honour coming from a moronic simpleton like yourself.


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There you go againā€¦ All this pent up aggression, all day visualising cock, and doing nothing about it but spending endless hours on the internet reading NYT and Washington Post articles. Get yourself sorted pal.

I can understand why youā€™re taking this stance Blue. HBV was very cruel to you.

Reading broadens your mind, pal.

So itā€™s entirely unsurprising that you consider reading to be a pejorative word.

The rest of us have wives, girlfriends, kids and jobs that take up the majority of our time. You have the sole hobby of left wing rhetoric research on the web . you think you win internet arguments but you simply outlast the opposition with the endless resource of time you have. The real loser here is you mate :joy:


I donā€™t think @Bandage is hated by anyone buddy. I tried to hate him but I canā€™t. I just canā€™t.
Why canā€™t I quit you @Bandage. Why ?

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You had him kicked up and down the forum and he started kissing your hole. Youā€™re a very forgiving man Brimmer.

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That was a bit of banter and gentle poking between two buddies.

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