Heath Ledger Is Dead

You mean “try listening to it” jugs. Dont be pointing out mistakes and then making one in the giving out post is bad form.

I always seem to make mistakes when Im angry

[quote=“Flano”]You mean “try listening to it” jugs. Dont be pointing out mistakes and then making one in the giving out post is bad form.

I always seem to make mistakes when Im angry[/quote]

So your constantly making mistakes then!

Exactly Nebby biy

Benny Boy?

Sorry I was angry when I typed that last post :cool:

[quote=“Flano”]You mean “try listening to it” jugs. Dont be pointing out mistakes and then making one in the giving out post is bad form.

I always seem to make mistakes when Im angry[/quote]

Throwing your toys out of the pram here Flano?

Your touching a very raw nerve there Bandage, Flano never had toys as a child!

I’m throwin yer ma out of the sack

Bandages ma or my ma?

Both of them. They were out working together that night.

Nah Bandage’s sister was telling me that her Ma takes Tuesdays Thursdays and Saturdays, and my ma takes the alternative days, Sundays are optional, get your facts right Flando!

Is Bandages sister the pimp?

You can’t beat a bit of stale ‘your ma’ banter.

You can’t beat a bit of yer ma.

Now the banter is getting stale.

The funniest thing aboot yer ma banter is the fact that we’d probably run a mile away from yer ma if we we’re faced with an oppertunity of a sexual nature.

I do remember my first yummy mummy fooked up experience (or MILF), meeting my birds ma years ago and she was better looking than the daughter, I decided there was only two courses of action, break up with the bird or trying to get a threesom (the ma was very fond of me, calling me a gent and a lovely young fella). Unfortunately being a snotty nosed, spot faced 17yr old teenager I decided to bottle it and go for the first option. Looking back now I realised it was very noble of me, besides I couldn’t afford a condom on McDonald’s salary and if they both got pregnant I couldn’t learn off all the technical family names, what the fook is the mothers child by me to the mothers daughter that I’m married to with a child!

[quote=“Flano”]You mean “try listening to it” jugs. Dont be pointing out mistakes and then making one in the giving out post is bad form.

I always seem to make mistakes when Im angry[/quote]

sorry flano i must have caught your bad grammaritis disease, is there a cream i can get or should i just use the edit function?