Here We Go Again

[QUOTE=“Rocko, post: 918517, member: 1”]As well as that, there’s a DDOS attack on our server.

I’m not speculating as to whether this is emanating from Montrose.[/QUOTE]
yeah, think we need an emergency conference call for 10pm GMT,
ill send out the bridge details via PM
@Bandage please FWD the agenda

The place is fucked.

Android App fucked.

It’s all down to the server. Outside my control at the moment.

I wouldn’t be surprised if you lost a few posters over all the fucking about you’re doing.


Might explain traffic

[QUOTE=“TheUlteriorMotive, post: 918589, member: 2272”][MEDIA=twitter]445992529767727104[/MEDIA]
Might explain traffic[/QUOTE]

thats quite the outfit he’s wearing. is that why he’s nominated ? any relation to the pathologist ?

Over the past couple of years, @Rocko has destroyed some of the features I loved about this forum.

I like to be easily able to see who has started a thread and when. That’s now gone.

Tags are gone.

TFWiki was a tragic loss.

The ability to write a sub-heading under a thread title, eg
Farmer Date Night
Like pulling teeth

which I thought was a much-under rated function, was taken away some time ago.

The quote function now also seems to be gone.

IT geeks’ constant need to change things is one the irritants of using the INTERNET.

Google Chrome and Google Maps have both been made a dog’s dinner of over the last eight weeks.

Sadly I can’t speak much higher about Rocko’s constant Claudio Ranieri-style tinkering with this forum.

What do Google Chrome and Google Maps have to do with this site?

[QUOTE=“Sidney, post: 918742, member: 183”]Over the past couple of years, @Rocko has destroyed some of the features I loved about this forum.

I like to be easily able to see who has started a thread and when. That’s now gone.

Tags are gone.

TFWiki was a tragic loss.

The ability to write a sub-heading under a thread title, eg
Farmer Date Night
Like pulling teeth

which I thought was a much-under rated function, was taken away some time ago.

The quote function now also seems to be gone.

IT geeks’ constant need to change things is one the irritants of using the INTERNET.

Google Chrome and Google Maps have both been made a dog’s dinner of over the last eight weeks.

Sadly I can’t speak much higher about Rocko’s constant Claudio Ranieri-style tinkering with this forum.[/QUOTE]

Agreed. I know a mate of mine who used to post here left because he couldn’t put up with the constant tinkering. He was so disgusted he was telling me he’s never even looked in as an anonymous user since.

You should ask him why he was pointing out a post of mine to another lapsed forum member a couple of weeks ago then.

[QUOTE=“Sidney, post: 918742, member: 183”]Over the past couple of years, @Rocko has destroyed some of the features I loved about this forum.

I like to be easily able to see who has started a thread and when. That’s now gone.

Tags are gone.

TFWiki was a tragic loss.

The ability to write a sub-heading under a thread title, eg
Farmer Date Night
Like pulling teeth

which I thought was a much-under rated function, was taken away some time ago.

The quote function now also seems to be gone.

IT geeks’ constant need to change things is one the irritants of using the INTERNET.

Google Chrome and Google Maps have both been made a dog’s dinner of over the last eight weeks.

Sadly I can’t speak much higher about Rocko’s constant Claudio Ranieri-style tinkering with this forum.[/QUOTE]
You can still see who started a thread just by hovering. Or by using a skin other than Francis.

Tags have been replaced with hashtags - so much more modern.

Sub-headings… ah I forgot about those. Let’s bring them back.

When you use foreign, “off the shelf” software packages then you’re a slave to implementing their upgrades in order to ensure they’ll continue to provide technical support when required. But I know of other sites who successfully developed their own bespoke software and kept the technical support function in-house Ireland.

Excuse me?

[QUOTE=“Rocko, post: 918779, member: 1”]You can still see who started a thread just by hovering. Or by using a skin other than Francis.

Tags have been replaced with hashtags - so much more modern.

Sub-headings… ah I forgot about those. Let’s bring them back.[/QUOTE]
Haven’t you been consistently throwing your weight behind Francis?

Tell @turfcutter that we miss him

Rocko just in case you are not aware, the Android app ain’t working. Seriously interfering with my evening browsing.

Anyone want to confirm if the quotes are fixed now on the various Apps?

Was fixing (or trying to fix) quotes function there. Is it still fucked?