Holidays in Ireland thread (Laois is for prisoners)

I’ve it down as one of the worst towns in Ireland.

Wife’s birthday, she said surprise her. I think I’m winning


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You could be getting the P45 within a week.

:laughing: ah no. The place is nice, it’s just a short drive from Kilkenny and I have a few things planned. Making a road trip of it on Saturday and we’ll see from there. Just somewhere different to our normal haunts in West Cork, Limerick and Mayo. I’ve booked Monday off too and she doesn’t know so making a slow road trip home also. Be grand


The picture you showed implied that there’s parking for around 6 cars. The pier side has parking for around 30.

You’re explaining that really well…

You’re a romantic bastard fair play to you.

Ah you’re a good lad Mossy. Fair play.

If the weather is nice and you have a spare few hours, the walk by the barrow down along St Mullins is really nice. Couple of small cafes around St Mullins and into Graiguenamanagh.

I’m really struggling to think of anything else to do in Carlow tho!

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Sounds good. Anywhere she can bring her camera works.

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Depending on what you want, you could do a bit of the Columban Way?

Not sure when you said you were going

This weekend.

And as @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy will attest to, you could always pop into Laois, The Rock of Dunamase is beautiful and just a half hour or so from Carlow town, as are the Slieve Blooms, especially the Ridge of Capard, but this is a longer trek.

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Maith thu. I never heard of it. Thanks.

A week early for the walking festival so.

Yea but the Slieve Bloom are part of the plan. I regularly take the route from Kilcormac to Mountrath on my way to Portlaoise so this time we’ll be picnicing there and taking the air. Fab spot. Dunamase now on the itinerary

Dunamase is the finest, wont take you long either, but worth a view. If you’re lucky you’ll bump into local alright sort Pat Critchley who walks there from time to time.


Great spot for food