Homegrown Talent. Valerie Wheeler is off the table lads

What am I looking at here? I recognize the bird from limerick as she was in the same study class- who are all the others?

Ah stop.

Honest. Must have been out of the country when these people were on stage?

You recognise one of the Six but don’t recognise the other five of the Six🤨

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Or that yer wan was in 6

As I said, the blonde one was in a leaving cert study class on Saturday mornings and saw her on kids tv or something since.

Have never laid eyes on any of the others

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So you know her from before 6 and after 6 but you dont know 6.

Appears the case

Emma had a long stint as a children TV presenter as well, in fairness, she had great rapport with that rabbit fella.

SinĂŠad Shepard was the Cork girl (brunette) from Cobh,
Recently served as a Fine Gael town councillor and has sone stage school I think


Is it an Irish version of Friends or something?

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Emma was making a serious play for Celia Holman-Lee’s crown of professional Limerick woman before Emma Langford recently stepped up.

2 of the lads in that are in serious denial about their hairlines

I recognise yer wan 2nd from left from a few auld gigs I would have played out in Cappamore.

How many of them are cardboard cutouts?

Are they doing a tour of provincial shitholes for a few quid that they wouldn’t have been seen dead in at the height of their ‘fame’?

Nadine had a lucky escape

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She was working in A Wear too bsck in the day.

Eve Henson


She has the cold dead eyes of a muppet alright

No no no no NO! Huge bottle of bass that’s only going to get bigger.