Homegrown Talent. Valerie Wheeler is off the table lads

Finglass apparently

Poor auld Tadgh was never the same after she took his cherry

Valerie is a pocket rocket

For free? :sweat_smile: shtop…

A flock of kids, a mortgage and a cubicle job to keep the wheel spinning. A monthly direct debit to this yoke to tell me I’m a terrible cunt seems grand proposition in comparison.


I’ll tell you that for nothing mate.

I was on about getting your rocks off mate… Anything after that is solely on you.


I see Úna bumped into the Hayemaker on her hols

Fake news.


I wonder what her uncle Declan Nerney thinks of it

A glutton for punishment. As if 1 nagging you isnt enough. Who is rearing the kids is what id like to know.


Looks like David has been landing a few Hayemakers on holiday.

First time for a while he’s landed one.

Who is he?

She’s gone over to the dark side, no turning back

Surely a step up on the rugby or NAP hurling set?

This will drive folk demented.

What folk?

She was on Dancing with the RTÉ staff I think. She’s from Donegal. Her accent is :ok_hand: