Homegrown Talent. Valerie Wheeler is off the table lads

Just a follower. I leave the subscribing to those mad enough to part wit their money :rofl:

I must get my missus on to this. She has a wicked tongue

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I donā€™t see how it would affect their chances of gaining employment in any career.

There are receiving money but itā€™s not like they are giving sex in return.

You donā€™t see how someone openly calling lads a cunt over the internet for money might cause problems for potential employers?


Good looking girl. None more good looking to what Iā€™ve seen on Tinder or Bumble. Lads only taken aback because sheā€™s a pleb and not celebrity.


That all gets checked nowadays

If she was going into teaching Iā€™d imagine it wouldnā€™t too well received.

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Where did she call someone a cunt

Iā€™ve opened a right Pandoraā€™s box here. Some lads seem rightly upset by her while there are a few admirers too.

Itā€™s me you should all be sending money to :sunglasses:

She doesnā€™t have her name on her profile so Iā€™d say sheā€™d be fine.

Itā€™s very easy SEE them on tinder

Thatā€™s how it was explained above kid. Keep up.

Tis indeed.

Youā€™re at nothing if your missus hasnā€™t a second income on onlyfans lads.


I donā€™t think thatā€™s how it works :nerd_face:

Iā€™m 53% sure this wan sat down one seat ahead of me and one to the right in A&E in the Regional today.

Same hair and the eyes especially the eyelashes were the giveaway though the cheekbones were largely hidden behind a mask.

She was wearing a snug fitting beige gilet/cream jumper arrangement and a beige beanie cap.

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She gets her baps out and calls you a useless fucker?

Thatā€™s a spot.


DM her on Twitter and ask her :sunglasses:

She was in for broken ribs from laughing too hard at the mongs throwing money at her.