Homegrown Talent. Valerie Wheeler is off the table lads

In fairness, I’ve had plenty of calls over the years from people who have been let down and are in manc with no tickets. It’s why I’m always wary of promising tickets, because I can usually get them, but you’re never absolutely sure until they’re in your hand, and it depends a bit on how far up the favour ladder you (I) want to go, but id not like to see a traveller go short.
My favourite ever was a few years back when the biggest game of the season was utd against Chelsea and it was huge. Tickets were going for a grand apiece. Iirc it was a noon kick off, and I got a phone call at 9 am from two lads who’d got my number of a pal in Galway who’s tickets fell through.
I’ve just realised I’d better not go into the details but they ended up in the seats of two Chelsea fans who’d been thrown out “for swearing” courtesy of @caulifloweredneanderthal 's cousin.

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Sorry, I didn’t even read it. I thought she was desperate for tickets, not just had a bad one.
Sure you’d get wet sitting anywhere at Old Trafford.


Let down with desperate tickets… my holy jesus. Someone went out of their way to source tickets for a non match going fan and they arent good enough. I’d be straight on the blower asking for them back


She must be directly under one of the leaky spots


We’ll have her cancelled yet lads

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What a cunt. She won’t be close enough to be on telly with her Can I have your jersey Bruno sign.


:grinning: :grinning: :grinning:

the footix really are a weird bunch

The spam bots will have a field day on twitter.

It’ll be desperate so it will.


Ok guys Valerie has earned the benefit of the doubt regarding these tickets so ease off please


You’d want to be on the halfway line about 5 or 10 seats back, whole pitch view where you can see the steam rising and the spittle flying from Bruno’s 18th appeal to the ref.

You could see how RTE have no money

It’ll be a desperate situation if she can’t get sorted pitchside on the halfway line

Some of the best games I seen were from the nally stand. Valerie needs to get over herself

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Genuinely if she’s up the top of the north stand she’d be better watching it on a small telly from the far side of the hotel bar.
She could stand outside for the genuine experience.

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Too far away to recognise any of the players she wouldn’t be able to recognise


28 new posts on this thread but zero pictures. :pensive:


Misogyny crew out in force :-1:


Valerie needs a Wheeler Dealer.