Homegrown Talent. Valerie Wheeler is off the table lads

We have to acknowledge people in the music scene in years gone by like Bowie, Page, Jerry Lee Lewis, Elvis, John Peel etc are socially acceptable wrong uns.

Jack Nicholson invited her to the Oscars way back when.

A matter of time before they are cancelled. And rightly so. We need to be able to judge history by modern social norms.


Bowie? :thinking:

Maybe one for Great Headlines

Are orgies ever not wild?


If you’re doing it any way right at all


I suppose if some of the participants are dead it might be tame enough


He might have been just tipping away around the edge of it?


I think I speak for most of us here, when I’d say her professional status wouldn’t be a tie breaker


This is sorta relevant

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It wouldn’t. I’m just struggling with the point of her posting photos of herself looking haunty out beside a turlough somewhere around Mullingar of a dreary morning.

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The fucking state of that

What does this mean?

Listen we’ve seen some of the munters @flattythehurdler has posted up so I wouldn’t take any notice of him.Una is a fine lookin woman.

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i think in flatty speak, it means shes not “upstairs” material

The point is that in order for celebrities to maintain a marketable, monetisable personal brand, they have to maintain a constant social media presence, otherwise people will forget they exist.

Translation: it’s her job.

That’s outrageous …utterly sublime. Perfection even … a truly remarkable waxing job. Where has this lady availed of these services during lockdown?

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