Homegrown Talent. Valerie Wheeler is off the table lads

Waxed and vaxed.

I’m struggling to see a job here. That’s my point I suppose.

It’s more of a recitation of Yosser Hughes’s “gissa job”, with lashings of added gloss.

veet and shaving

To the untrained eye like your own you can be forgiven for thinking so … but myself and @Raylan know better. That lady has been freshly waxed and I think maybe a little bit of lazer treatment too… these services have been closed for months.

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There are lots of people whose full time jobs it is to post pictures of themselves on Instagram.

Who waxes the waxers?


I’ve been advised to say - ‘no comment’

I’ve often wondered* if there’s a waxing emporium in Bray called The Waxie’s Dargle.

*in the last 70 seconds

What Una does is an essential service.

She’s more “lob in inta me boss” than Elizabeth Hurley in that picture.

The lovely Ella McSweeney



Ella is a very very decent lady.

She’s decent alright.

Are moustaches making a comeback?


I don’t know. Should I?

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Did the ever go away?

She always looks well in leopardstown at the races.


Susan Quirke. Singer. Has a new album out.

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