Homegrown Talent. Valerie Wheeler is off the table lads

New television idea. Ireland needs talent. We take a load of foreigners and only grant asylum to the pretty ones.


Ah fuck it. Iā€™m sick of this.

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I canā€™t help wondering if this is the sort of bullshit that has me banned from the racism forum?

The Australians are granting refugee status to white South African farmers. The woke lads heads will be spinning.

In 2018, Australian home affairs minister Peter Dutton in March said that white farmers from South Africa should get fast-tracked entry into the country on humanitarian grounds.

According to Dutton, white farmers face ā€˜horrific circumstancesā€™ in South Africa, following reports that they are murder targets, and amid concerns of land grabs following a recent proposal for ā€˜land expropriation without compensationā€™.

Donā€™t rob them of their lifeā€™s work pal

Strange logic pal. Iā€™m not sure why you started out questioning the legitimacy of her asylum status at all. Your reasoning got stranger from there.

Heā€™s turned into a Brexiteer. He needs to come home now.

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South Africans getting asylum? Rare enough Iā€™d say?

And the ones that can play football

Not in Australia apparently. Iā€™m sure their goal is world domination in Rugby, sure they would be unbeatable, the perfect combination of convicts and racists.

Former Wallaby Captain David Pococks family escaped Zimbabwe farm

Youā€™re Irish, right? :roll_eyes:

Maura may have had some work done

@glasagusban in the background


Took me a while to find him :rofl:

Is it just me or is Maura average enough?


Youā€™d have to hose her down to see what she really looks like.


She looks like sheā€™s going to a traveller wedding.


Very average and now has a plastic face

Looks.liks the bird in 9 Perfect Strangers.

My fragile ego couldnā€™t take the knocks being dished out in the look a like.thread to post it thoā€¦