Homegrown Talent. Valerie Wheeler is off the table lads

@flattythehurdler if you bred her with Joe you could have the problem solved above there.

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There is that.

I take all this on board, yet people are sent back to countries which are far worse poverty wise.
I’ve been to SA a few times. Capetown is my favourite city in the world. The black south I spoke to blame the Nigerians for most of the trouble.

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An awesome photo ruined by a Galway jersey

Our guide blamed the likes of the Congolese but he mentioned the Nigerians too.

He didn’t say poverty was the reason.

One small point on this. A lot of “South Africans” that claim asylum in Ireland are actually Zimbabwean. It’s relatively easy to get a “genuine” ZA passport even when you are not a ZA citizen and not entitled to one.

Are the Georgians and Albanians still rocking over?

They do

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It’s hard to square a genuine asylum request with an open albeit corrupt democracy which is widely visited and an open international society

She was granted asylum, meaning her request was genuine. So your starting point seems strange to me to be honest.


Are you saying that everyone granted asylum is a worthy case, and the corollary that everyone who isn’t is a sham?

Considering how shit we are at receiving people, I’d say yes to the former. I don’t think the second is a corollary at all.

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A bizarre rush to judgement @flattythehurdler here. He clearly knows absolutely nothing of this person’s circumstances but he seems fairly certain the request was not genuine. What a weird thing to get worked up about.


His first judgment was that she wasn’t v pretty. Maybe that drove his view that her request wasnt genuine.

Nonsense. You’re strawmanning like mad here. Strange and aggressive stance, but you are invariably looking for a row.
No questioning allowed here clearly.
I think you’d best cancel me mate.

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This is a thread for objectifying Irish women. Take the politics out of here


Absolutely zero aggression. You’ve gotten yourself all hot and bothered for some reason about a case you know nothing about for reasons nobody really knows. Ask all the questions you want. They’re enlightening in their own way.


No, your initial response means you defacto consider that the asylum implementation is flawless.
I haven’t the energy to get into a virtue signalling and unpleasant debate with yourself and Rocko twisting words and arguments so you can take the moral high ground.

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Classic snide response

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