Homegrown Talent. Valerie Wheeler is off the table lads

A Botox head on a child’s body with the hands of a manual labourer. Looks like someone was playing Texas chainsaw with Ken and Barbie.

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A grand north Tipp woman (from my own little parish)

She is beautiful.

Was that picture taken 3 years ago?

Last night

2022 up the top :rofl:

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She’s lost a bit of timber recently :thinking:

Una looked tremendous at the same awards


Faye Shortt.

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Pat and herself were booked to do a show in Drom last night but there’s a covid case in the camp. Pushed back 3 weeks.

They’re lucky, my mate said the show is about as funny as a kick in the balls.

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Niamh Boyle - Gaa Social Media Coordinator.

Myself and @blackjack were mesmerised as we watched her stroll around the pitch in Croker last Sunday.


She looks fairly fond of herself.

I’m fairly fond of her myself.


She must have done about 10 laps of the pitch walking for the football quarter finals in a coat and it roasting, she is fond of herself.

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Seriously manish vibe off that. Face or something

I didn’t notice her at all. Was chatting to relatives of Tiernan Kelly’s not realising what shit had gone on down on the pitch😅


She’s not built for the sun I’d say.

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Is that a son of Pat’s?

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Tis, she’s grand

Both Pat Spillane and Pat Shortt must have stunning wives.