How long do we have to wait until Limerick race track is filleted?

It has come to my attention that Limerick racetrack recorded losses of 250k last year and have accumulated losses of $2.5 million

Not much return for the 25million put in

Now directors Tom Ryan, Dave Casey, Richie Crehan and Brendan Moore have all resigned . Time to knock greyhound racing in the bog on the head. Sadly Rugby is the only activity the Limerick folk seem to like:(

Limerick people are their own worst enemy. They shouldn’t be allowed a say in anything. Don’t know if you are aware FingalRaven but the Limerick GGA county board are in terrible shape as well. They could learn an awful lot from the rugby lads rather than sniping at them

Munster Rugby lost over €1m last year mate.

The GGA lads only lost 750k.

:eek: only 750K!!!

[quote=“The Runt, post: 763241, member: 181”]Munster Rugby lost over €1m last year mate.

The GGA lads only lost 750k.[/quote]


Longford town made 250k

Limerick people truly are the shame of the Mid West and that is saying something given that North Tipp is part of it

Thanks, that means a lot.