How many all Ireland's in a row will jp buy?

They were favourites this year?

Win 2 blitz ? or 2 actual games of note ?

Nobody knows that. Cork have had excellent teams over last number of years at Minor & 21.

The team Ciaran Sheehan came off was as good as Donal Ogs team in '95.

I am not saying anything about these lads winning. It probably is good to some point. But still point remains, they will be ruined by manageme t when older. This years management selections were questionable for at least 4 of the 6 main teams.

You have no idea what you are talking about.

Nobody was next to near that tipp team this year in quality.

No they havenā€™t Kev. Their underage teams have utterly shocking the past 8 or 9 years.

Waterford beat them sure.

And Waterford lost to Limerick who tipp hammered. Itā€™s underage youā€™ll always get freak results.


Self clamping. I live it.

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It hasnā€™t been seeing because of dreadful management.

As Trap says, a good coach can improce a team 5%. A bad one can regress them 30%

No itā€™s not sport is cyclic simpletons like you donā€™t get it. Cork have great team win 3 all Irelands 99, 03 and 04, old players stay on too long, replaced with inferior players, followed by crisis, underage restructured, players come through and ye win again. Itā€™s the same with the Spain national soccer team now, Tyrone football, happening in kk now. Two years ago underage is finished in Kerry their doomed etc etc. What happens? They rattle off 3 minors in a row and theyā€™ll win a few more seniors. Lads like Ewan McKenna think the dubs will dominate for ever. They wonā€™t produce players like Connolly, Kilkenny, brogan for another 15 years probably and in that time Connolly will retire, be replaced by a lessor player, theyā€™ll fail, their underage will be in crisis and theyā€™ll restructure and all of a sudden theyā€™ll start dominating again.

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Sport is cyclic. But when poor practice is consistent then nothing matters.

I have seen more teams wasted because of assholes in charge than games you have been at i would suggest.

Seriously, winning blitz games means very little.

If you offered me three of the next ten for Tipp, Iā€™d be delighted.
Weā€™ve won five in my lifetime. Each one has been so enjoyable partially because of the gap between them. This is the first decade since the sixties in which weā€™ve won more than one. We donā€™t do back-to-back well. Thereā€™s a part of me that thinks if we went off and had the success Kilkenny had, weā€™d become as joyless as they are. You have to go through all the heartache to really enjoy winning one.


Iā€™d like to win three in a row just once and then a break. I donā€™t want us to become as joyless as Kilkenny


Just one would do me

Yeā€™ve won about 36 mate


Talk about joyless. Itā€™s only a few days after the game and all ye can talk about kilkenny. :joy:

I know mate, Iā€™m seething


Iā€™m going for zero.