Hugh Heinz?

Cheers Pikeman - Any tips?

Special Olympiakos has provided the foundation for a good weekend but every bit of advice is welcome

Bang on Pikeman mate, the beer is great but the food is dross. They serve up an auld knuckle of a dead hogget and call it rack of lamb with this white stuff which looks like mash potato but is really some class of sago shit. All served up in one of those old tins you used to get steak and kidney pie in back in the 80s. I suppose if you drink enough Paulaner itā€™s edible, otherwise I wouldnā€™t give it to a dog.

No real tips no-we did all the typical tours and stuff there. Just enjoy all the different beers I say.
Deutsche museum was very good though-youā€™ll need a few hours in it (All about history and development of technology and natural science)

Hugh? :pint:

Last night and tomorrow night is enough for me. Tonight Iā€™m going to stay in and wash my nutsack.

I am going to get incredibly drunk tonight.

SHANNONSIDER** :pint: :pint: :pint:

Youā€™ve got a drink problem.

Iā€™ve no problem with drink Kev.
The more the merrier.


Your gaydar is wrong on this occasion fun boy

How bout this time?


Oh. I dropped my pen.

Iā€™m getting fucking wankered!! Bring it on ye cuntsā€¦ :guns:

Hungover in work. Day put down at least. Midweek drinking isnt what it used to be though. Unsure of what to do tonight.

Got up at 7am to write a 4000 word Glaciation essay and then had a Fluvial Geomorphology online MCQ for dessert so Iā€™m feeling like I deserve a fucking beer tonight. The only deposited sediment load I care about now is whatever will land on some munterā€™s bed around 4am later on.


What course are you doing? It sounds interestingā€¦

Had 2 local pints. Couch for night. Pints taste great on a friday.

Gonna be in a shitcan tonight :pint: :pint: :pint: