Hugh Heinz?

What more would you expect from his kind?

What kind is that then?


Tonight - Christmas Party, free drink all night :pint:
Tomorrow - Possibly a jaunt to Limerick city and taking in the ledger on route :pint:
Sunday - Flat out all day :pint:


You :pint: too much.

Iā€™ll end up as bad as Kev for the :pint: if I donā€™t cop on

Iā€™ve also made an executive decision not to go to work on Monday

Oh my God I danced with a gay.

Think of the house value Marge - no longer can we can only straight people danced in this house.


The last Friday before Christmas is Christmas Eve. Muppet.

Christmas Eve is techically Chistmas you city slicker.

no mun no fun :frowning:

Youā€™ll pull a few pound outta somewhereā€¦ Beg, steal or borrow.

[quote=ā€œKinvara, post: 540060ā€]

wages are due monday, clear sailing after that for a few weeks :pint:

A hugh this afternoon?

School days over. Come on then John. Time to be gettin your pit boots on.



Yep. Finished up the oul exams last night. No lectures to skip until January 17th now :pint:

Epic session in galway last night, great town.

:pint: the cure is calling.

Bloody hell - I am quare shook.

Still onwards and upwards.


I was up town there, it has a very :pint: feel to it