From etims:
I like history. Over Christmas, I bought a stack of Discovery Channel DVDs on the great crimes of the 20th Century and watched them all over two hangover-induced days in bed. I watch documentaries over and over again, with a particular love of those about the Russian front in World War II (thank God my generation missed all that.)
I also read books by the carload about the Second World War, and Ian Kershaws two books on Hitler are amongst the best books Ive ever read on any subject. I think I know quite a bit about the Nazi regime. Which makes me wonder about something; they seem like bad people to me. They murdered Jews, invaded most of continental Europe and would gladly have turned this country into one gigantic concentration camp in a way Tony Blair could never dream. Thats why the British fought the bastards, after all.
Rangers fans are proudly British. They keep on telling us that, with all their songs and chants and banners. They love Britain so much that they are the ONLY club in the country who intend to commemorate 300 years of the Act of the Union.
I must have missed something here. Pro-British means anti-Nazi, does it not? It must. How can you honour the surviving heroes of the war against Nazism, those old men who fought for our freedom, as well as the countless dead who gave their lives, unless you are anti-Nazi, anti the very regime that persecuted, tortured, raped and pillaged its way across the continent?
This is what I wonder about; what planet are some Rangers fans on??
There cannot be a more sickening sight in all of football than of that most bigoted section of the Rangers supporters in full tilt. They are hideous parodies of humanity. For years we had to tolerate their bile and their filth as it spewed forth from the stands. For years their sectarian employment practices made them a pariah club everywhere in Europe, except here, where our media celebrated their every deed, as they were Scotlands Top Club.
We used to wonder if the day would ever come when the country as a whole would be united in condemning these morons, only for it to be left to UEFA to finally do something about it, and attempt to put an end to their bigotry once and for all.
So, some of their songs have ceased. But one practice remains firmly in place, one every bit as disgusting as any venom that poured from their mouths. I refer, of course, to the Nazi salute.
When will this country ever acknowledge these sewer dwellers for the scum they are? More, when will this country ever stop insulting the intelligence and decency of the rest of us, by calling a spade a spade instead of making excuses for this vermin? I am appalled at the way the media here has brushed over the behaviour of the Rangers fans in Tel Aviv. Appalled. But not surprised.
This is the media who ignored for years everything Ive said above. The media who joked about the small stuff, like removing green straws, cutting the pitch in the pattern of the sash, prices at 16.90 and the rest, as though all of it did not add up to something more, something sinister. We all know, know, that the club is rotten from the top to the bottom with sectarianism and bigotry. We know that they pander to this filth because it is commercially viable. We know that all of the contrition of Murray and his acolytes is not about sympathy for any offence caused by Rangers historical proclivities, but is actually based on fear of the consequences and still they are praised.
But isnt a celebration of Nazism in Israel a step too far?
I have just heard UEFA have asked Rangers for an explanation into this. As yet they have no plans to charge the club. But I hope they do. I have not heard any of our politicians weigh in on the subject McConnell, wheres all your big talk now, you spineless git? but I feel they must. And I have not seen one newspaper call it what it is a disgusting indictment of Rangers, their fans and the education system in Scotland which still cant point out to the shaven headed morons in blue jerseys that to be pro-British is incompatible with support for the murdering scum of Adolf Hitlers despotic regime.
Instead, what do we get? A Sun editorial telling them to keep their hands in their pockets this from the most pro-army, pro-British and fervently Heroes of World War II paper in the land. Someone at this paper should get a kick in the stones for taking such a pathetic stand on this but its not surprising either. The Sun has long been the rag of the Neanderthal right-wing knuckle-draggers. They wouldnt want to insult any of their customers, after all.
Instead, and this is my favourite part, theyve made the excuse that the Nazi salute is, in fact, a Red Hand Salute.
Ive seen Johnny Adair doing that salute. He claims its a Nazi salute. Ive seen Will Browning and Charlie Sergeant doing it. They said it was a Nazi salute as well, and they and their C18 pals have a lot of friends in the North of Ireland. I saw Martin Fielding doing it at the Republic of Ireland V England game at Lansdowne Road some years back and he was adamant that it was a Nazi salute. Hes another guy with a lot of connections in the North, as is Andy Frain another Neo-Nazi. Its odd that none of these guys ever calls it a Red Hand salute.
Its interesting too that no-one ever questions what they mean when they call it a Red Hand salute. Theyre clearly trying to shy away from admitting to any connection with celebrating the Holocaust which is understandable, as you dont get away with that anywhere but isnt it telling that in order to be convincing theyll settle for being linked to the murder of Catholics instead of Jews? Isnt it telling they realise its a more acceptable charge in this day and age?
One guy, interviewed in the Sun, gleefully called it a Red Hand salute, and then said look, that guy is leaning over an Israeli flag, so clearly it isnt a Nazi gesture.
Clearly?? All it demonstrates is that the guy in question should spend a few months in Carstairs to get his head sorted out, as clearly hes either mentally ill or doesnt have the brains to open his Buckfast bottle by unscrewing the lid. Richard Littlejohn once talked about how of all the grounds in Britain hes been at, Ibrox is his favourite outside White Hart Lane, as its the only one you see the Israeli flag on proud display. I laughed at the time, remembering numerous times when the BNP and C18 had called Ibrox our number one recruiting ground in Scotland. Littlejohn is a half-wit anyway.
But to get back to my point, though, as I said, isnt it telling that they are able to admit to celebrating Catholic deaths rather than Jewish ones, and that this is enough to make the press fall silent? Rangers own Martin Bain has said weve told the fans not to do this as it can be easily misinterpreted as a Nazi gesture.
Eh? Is even he admitting that the club would rather be viewed as anti-Catholic than pro-fascist? What in Gods name is going on over at that club? They are a continuing disgrace.
Isnt it also very telling that the Daily Record, still reeling from our own boycott, is yet to mention the issue at all though now they have to - although their rival publication in the tabloid market has, STV did briefly, and the internet has been awash with the pictures for days?
Remember, if you will, a single moronic Celtic supporter who allegedly taunted Claudio Reyna at Ibrox some years back, in the aftermath of 9/11, to see how wed have been treated had even one of our fans done anything of this kind and this wasnt ONE, it was DOZENS, maybe even HUNDREDS.
On Thursday night, though, their stadium will be full. Their flags will be raised high in celebration of 300 Years of the United Kingdom a quite ridiculous thing to be celebrating anyway, at a time when were being told to take the politics out of football. Some all-inclusive club they want to build over there unless youre Welsh, Scottish or, I would presume, Jewish. Not Irish either, although that one really should go without saying by now.
300 Years of the Union. Partly funded by David Murray, and partly by the Rangers Trust, led by a former editor of Follow Follow, which even the club tried to distance itself from until recently; the leaflets advertising this event display the Follow Follow logo, listing them as one of Murrays co-sponsors.
There are many reasons why the Rangers supporters continue to behave in this shameful manner, but the biggest, by far, is the way in which their own chairman constantly panders to their worst elements whilst trying to pretend he detests them.
Murray will claim no connection with bigots. The press will write this up as though it were a fact. But he could do a few things that would be widely seen as positive steps:
1st, he could publicly condemn his fans for their fascist gesture, and call it what it is. 2nd, he could attempt to identify everyone involved, and publicly announce hes banned all of them from Ibrox for life it would not be hard, as the faces of the morons are clearly identifiable from the pictures. 3rd, he could remove his sponsorship for the Bigot Fest planned for tomorrow night citing what many of us already have, the exclusive nature of the event, as well as the backgrounds of some of his fellow sponsors.
The Scottish media, if they were of a mind (if those jokers had any minds at all) could have helped him with this, by making a full and public issue out of this. But they didnt. Thats why its left to us along with a select few (who deserve great credit) Rangers fan-sites to make something of this, in an attempt to make anti-sectarianism a real priority in this country instead of a series of photo-ops at Holyrood. When one of our senior football clubs goes to a tinderbox city like Tel Aviv and its fans engage in behaviour that could have sparked a riot and brought shame to the whole of this land, then weve moved well beyond the point where this problem can be contained by this peculiar Scottish trait of ignoring it and hoping it goes away.
That peculiarly Scottish trait is more and more coming to resemble something sinister in this case. It looks like more than just a bad case of ignorance is bliss. This is beginning to look like tacit approval, and if so were in real trouble.
Certain sections of the Rangers support are out of control, and they are aided and abetted by apologists and sympathisers on their board, amongst their top supporters groups and amongst the complicit and silent Scottish press. Their fans, it seems, can get away with anything as long as only those in this country are in charge of policing their reprehensible behaviour.
And so again we must rely on UEFA to bring it to the attention of the footballing world, knowing our own leadership, both in the game itself and in the political sphere, would not act. Scotlands sectarian shame comes to the fore again, and once more it involves Rangers. There cannot be a single person in the whole of Europe now who does not know about our bigotry problem, or who fails to associate the name of that club with it.
Except here in Scotland.
Am I wrong? Convince me. This is not a paranoid Celtic fan, but a deeply concerned Scottish citizen. As a taxpayer, I deserve answers. I deserve better. Our country deserves better.
Or maybe it just deserves everything it gets.
Last Updated ( Thursday, 22 February 2007 )