Hunting & other rural pursuits

It’d be hard to leave the limousin behind alright…

Jess is a ledge.

Are there people talking about limousin cattle on here :angry:

Yeah, call the police.

The letter is in the post

We haven’t gone away you know.

:clap: Still Nr.1

The action kicks off on 33 seconds.

Ive never come across a corncrake. I presume the remaining few hang around tillage farms mostly?

The cuckoo is another bird I haven’t heard in a long time

The Cuckoo is gone fierce scarce, haven’t heard one in a few years now.

The remaining Corncrakes took a right hammering with the wet Summers apparently.

Ain’t no wall we can’t climb.

Loads of cuckoo’s in our area during the summer. Wouldn’t know a corncrake if it shit on my head.

Picked myself up a jack russell bitch over the Christmas.
Going to turn her into a rat killing machine.

Fool, sure i would have gotten you a genuine pure breed lohan sired pup for a reasonable price

What make and model?

Spent 20 minutes this evening trying to round up a few Limousin calves that demolished a stone wall and made a bold bid for freedom. Fuckers ran out in front of the car and came fairly close to milling a couple of them.

You’ll never beat a limousin…

Fine Gael are going to repeal the ban on stag hunting


Outstanding. Clonmel might make RTE news next year if they’re in government.

:clap: Deer pursuing should never have been banned in the first place.