Hurling Championship 2020 - The Year Limerick Blitzed

We’re only fit for the pat on the head from our betters.,

Ye’ve had enough fun there now boys.

I mentioned it because it’s typical of the lazy response that I often get, you went with some bullshit and irrelevant point about running times that I posted last summer while plenty others were doing the same.

You want to be a spokesman for what exactly here? The right to brag about your hurling team on any thread in the forum, the right to expect everybody else to seethe at the success of your hurling team?

But yeah, me posting running times in August is relevant

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You came in pontificating like a priest at the altar digging at a few lads who’ve a different interest to you.

You got a bit back and turned into a victim.

Don’t be so lofty if you dont like the mirror turned on yourself.


It was on the official list posted on here by someone. I can’t be bothered looking for it,but it’s clearly agitating you that it’s true :slightly_smiling_face:

Ahead of the curve as always


Maybe you could organise a TFK fundraiser for a second goalkeeping coach for Galway?

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Or maybe you’re just catching up

You’re a nawful man. You ruined the Christmas for some lads here. Careful pointing fingers about the backroom though, the bone isn’t far from the surface


I think people do care for more than 5 mins after the finish of a major game involving their county. GAA means a lot to people. I’d agree that there’s no need for bragging though. In reality most neutrals weren’t too bothered whether Limerick or Waterford won and just wanted a good game.

The bragging is as a result of the digging and sniping on here at Limerick. It’s mostly a bit of craic

For some fellas winning is no good unless you’re running someone else into the ground. It’s a breeding thing.

Christmas has been cancelled in tipperery and kilkenny because of you :rofl:

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A blitz

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Hardly a surprise that a big agricultural team won in winter?

After 6 months in the PM group hiding

You’re right. When push comes to shove and if you’d to pick between a wedding and an AI semi final sure it would be no contest

Sean og has requested a power point presentation as to how it was done.

They are not getting enough respect for being Limerick fans, and it hurts

Champions always draw hate… that’s just how it goes. Anyone getting vexed by the losers having a pop needs to have a word with themselves…the dominant stag doesn’t get worried by the scent of the lesser stag .